Hermie from clone??


Active Member
So im about 3.5 weeks into flowering on a clone i cut from a female on my last grow. All has been going well and buds are forming nicely, but today i just realized it looks like 2 little seed pouches(ball sacks) on one of my flowering branches. it looks like these are the only 2 but im scared that more are going to appear. is this bad?should i remove them? i also have a female sour d plant right next to it. if this is a hermie...can it mess up the sours? any help would be greatly appreciated as i am a bit of a worrier :-(


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will affect your other plants. If the pollen sacs burst, you'll end up with seeds in the sours. Carefully remove any balls, and stay on top of it. If you can move the hermed plant to a different area. The bud will still be ok, just a lot of extra work staying on top of things.


Well-Known Member
defantly remove all the ball sacks and preferably do it outisde the grow room if you can move the plant. its shitty that it turned in to a hermie that usaully doesnt happen, hopefully you can post some pics for more help