Hermie Help!

Screenshot_2016-02-06-09-36-00.png I discovered this today and was wondering if any experienced growers would say this is a hermie for sure. Notice the female pre flower in the upper part of the picture then look at the lower node. Have one other plant showing similar characteristics. These plants came from bag seed also.
Would a hermie plant have tendencies to grow similar to a male plant? As in showing sex sooner, growth rate? Also would they usually show female pre-flowers before showing male parts?


Well-Known Member
Make sure their staying dark with no light leaks for 12 hours, this causes most of my hermie issues. I'll bump into a timer and fuck it up, and not notice till a day or three later, sucks. It is a hermie though. If you have plenty of plants going kill it, and pluck it off and watch it closely. I have tried the pluck and watch method a few times and always end up finding more balls and end up killing the plant.
Good Luck