Hermie or leaves? wierd!!


Active Member
so i have monitored these male preflowers,thinking thats what they are, then instead of forming like males, the balls opened up and became leaves, looking nothing like an open pollin sack, ive never had these before and im wondering if anyone else has, i know some of the pics are hard to see, also i know some people will say 100% hermie, im wondering as to let these keep forming to see if they turn out to be leaves or pull the plant, or pinch the so called preflowers off, another possibility is swollen calyxs, as this plant is full of pistils and transitioned from 250mh to 600hps,just a little confused, it seems to b showing multiple characteristics, ive only grow a male or a female, but never had a hermie, nor have i seen this, any thoughts and advice is appreciated!!!IMAG0584.jpgIMAG0585.jpgIMAG0586.jpgIMAG0587.jpgIMAG0589.jpgIMAG0590.jpgIMAG0582.jpgIMAG0583.jpgIMAG0578.jpg


Well-Known Member
It really is so tough to get good semi macro close ups. Having the same problem myself. Only pic I can actually make anything out in is pic 5, and that looks all male to me.


Active Member
pic 5 is the one thats wierd cuz if you look at pic 6 right in the middle of the photo look at the long stem with the black shaded blob, then that turned into a serated leaf, along with the rest of the plant, it looks hermie but the balls keep opening into leaves likevery small bud sites, just that theyre coming from the area where sex traits come from.
It really is so tough to get good semi macro close ups. Having the same problem myself. Only pic I can actually make anything out in is pic 5, and that looks all male to me.


Well-Known Member
Had a plant do this to me and was close to throwing it such vigorous growth I was almost certain it was a male buy I left it another week and a bit and now its deffo a girl if in doubt keep it for another week or so male sacks will take a few weeks to give out pollen so don't rush .


Active Member
agreed and i am aware of the males as ive had em, but you answered me by saying you had similar so im happy with your reply, thanks!!!! so what did they look like for?
Had a plant do this to me and was close to throwing it such vigorous growth I was almost certain it was a male buy I left it another week and a bit and now its deffo a girl if in doubt keep it for another week or so male sacks will take a few weeks to give out pollen so don't rush .

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
They look like the early signs of preflowers. Number 4 is the only one that is somewhat male. The rest cant really tell. The hairs of female preflowers can be very small and hard to see without magnification.


Well-Known Member
The pictures are bad but it looks like a male flower.

A "hermie" is not a male plant. It is a plant with flowers of both sexes on it. I dont see any pistils on that plant. If there are pistils and a pollen sack or male flower appeared it would be hermaphrodite or "hermie"

Full male flowers look different than single pollen sacks or "bananas" that show up in female flower clusters of hermaphrodite plants. The open up and look somewhat like leaves. There would be a cluster of pollen sacks inside of the flower that you should see after it opens.


Active Member
thanks, i appreciate what you said, and i do know all of what you said, but regardless, these dont look like opened up pollen sacks, ive had that on male, and i have females goingvery nicely, but these are just different, like i said they appear to be male balls shaped like a closed tulip, then open into leaves just like the typical pot leaf but frayed out, whereas the pollen sack looks more like splitting a lime in half twice then theres another little football shape inside that, the thing that has me is that they come out of the branches sideways on a stem like males do, then it opens, if they were pollen sacks i cant see them opening up, releasing pollin then turning into the shape of a leaf pointed out, PS the reason you cant see pistils is because i didnt put those pics up, but heres ones of the tops, hairs everywhere, and some better pics of the areas im asking about, i got some of the leaves after the balls open, see how they come straight out sideways, but are clearly not male sacksIMAG0591.jpgIMAG0592.jpgIMAG0593.jpgIMAG0594.jpgIMAG0595.jpgIMAG0596.jpgIMAG0597.jpgIMAG0598.jpgIMAG0599.jpg
The pictures are bad but it looks like a male flower.

A "hermie" is not a male plant. It is a plant with flowers of both sexes on it. I dont see any pistils on that plant. If there are pistils and a pollen sack or male flower appeared it would be hermaphrodite or "hermie"

Full male flowers look different than single pollen sacks or "bananas" that show up in female flower clusters of hermaphrodite plants. The open up and look somewhat like leaves. There would be a cluster of pollen sacks inside of the flower that you should see after it opens.


Active Member
so now 6 1/2 ours after the post, i opened the tent and foun4of the balls that look like males have the hairs coming out, but its nothing ive seen, normally the calyx is behind the stipule with the hairs sticking up, but these are balls on stems like male preflowers but now slightly open with 2 white hairs, im baffled, my only thought is swollen calyxs, but why the clusters that look like grapes with hairs coming out and not pollin as i expected, some of them the hairs are slightly green, the others are bright white fem hairs, anyone have a clue on this one, the hairs ar too small for a pic at this point, but look at the other pics, and think of hairs coming out the balls!!! picture that