Hermie or not


New Member
5 week of flower the tall one is Cinderella 99 the purple shorter one is swiss cheese both autos.
9th grow with both of them never seen this happen it doesn't look male or female I never seen any nanners and it started with pistols.
Should I keep it? will it seed?
A lemon haze last grow had a seed in it and I assume through my fan and ventilation this is how it started.



Well-Known Member
All I saw was female calyxes on some pretty stressed plants.

The meristems seem to have a moisture deficit with the pistils withering prematurely --- could be a root problem, too-dry environment, overheating or possibly over-feeding...etc.


Well-Known Member
What is grow media, water/feed sched, pH, ppm/ec, RH, temps? What are lights, light timing, distance, lux/ppfd?

Have you sprayed them with something? Did they look good in veg? When did they start showing the stressed looking coloration?


New Member
What is grow media, water/feed sched, pH, ppm/ec, RH, temps? What are lights, light timing, distance, lux/ppfd?

Have you sprayed them with something? Did they look good in veg? When did they start showing the stressed looking coloration?
The Temps are 75 with 68% humidity the ph is in the 7s 24 hr light exactly how I grew the last monsters,ocean forest soil using incredible bulk for flower.5th week of flower the budsights are so tight you couldn't squeeze them without good force.
Before you get up close looks great except no pistols the zoom in you see is idk.