Hermie Question


Active Member
Hey...i'm bout 3 weeks into flowering...had to go on a trip for about 5 days, when i came back there were male flowers on my bitch!! i think this is due to stress(accidentally dropped light and it scraped the stem and ripped a few leaves accidentally) i found bout 3 or 4 male flowers...was wondering how to tell if they had dropped pollen yet and if this plant can produce decent bud..its my only one


Elite Rolling Society
Just like humans, those males shoot off just as soon as they can. I would bet they already did it.


Well-Known Member
post pics of the male flowers also do the pods look burst or still solid. Also what i did for a hermie was just trim the nuts of it every day still some pollenation risk but u should still get some smoke off the buds on it


Well-Known Member
sorry man chances r there will be some seeds in there just pick off all male flowers every single day and u'll still get a decent smoke

btw if u were going to sell, seeds cut a buds value almost by half


Active Member
check it...........i pulled the flowers right and they never grew back and there was some pollen dropped but the buds are still growing so does that mean they weren't pollenated?


Well-Known Member
if its your only plant its not horrible but if theres more around it would need to go. the buds will continue to grow, but they will develop seeds as well as bud. on the bright side a single hermi plant can still do ok. i had a hermi and got 1oz of really good bud from it. this plant was hermi from lightleaks around 5-6 weeks from harvest.

