

Active Member
Hi Guys, I wonder if you can help?

I've got 4 plants, grown from bag seed (I know..) that are 2 weeks into flower. All are healthy looking females but I've noticed that 2 of the 4 seem to have small pod like things growing on them. They are growing just under the bud sites. The thing is there're not in groups, only one (2 on some), and only on about a quarter of the bud sites. And they don't look like balls, more oval shaped, pointing upwards. Could these be seed pods or have I got hermaphrodites? I cut one off and cut it open but couldn't see any pollen.

If they're Hermies then they're out in the morning. Any advice would be much appriciated. Sorry, no pics.




Active Member
sounds like it might be a female pod ,but usually there is a hair growing out of them the males usually gather like a bunch of grapes or bananas,better look at the grow faq for pics to be sure :mrgreen:


Active Member
Thanks for the reply.

I've searched the internet but I can't find any pics that clarify it.

There's no hairs on it and it's a bit away from all the buds with the hairs. They're not like grapes or bannanas and as I say, there's only one or two. I'm thinking as the other two plants don't have them I should err on the side of caution and give them the chop.