hermies infecting the rest of the crop ... help !!


Hi all,

This is my second grow. The first grow i apparently shocked my auto super skunks and 3 turned hermy. I got rid of them , the other 7 still remaim ,but not with much bud and they are about 60 days now. The second 10 autos are sat beside the first batch. I noticed last night that one has hermed !! i got rid of it straight away , but a pollen sac was open. Im outdoors on a big balcony by the way.
Should i get rid of the entire lot ? The reason i ask is i have another load about 1 week old that arent near the first 2 batches and i dont want to take the chance that they are pollinated.
So , i have the first bunch that are tiny without hardly any bud , the second lot sat beside them that are about 5 weeks old and tiny , with one herm that i pulled out last night and am wondering if destroying them is the way to go , to get rid of this hermie nightmare .
thanks for any help

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hey dude, I grow in a tent. Had a hermie one grow, finished it off cleaned everything flowered a new batch and these produced seeds with no hermie, proving pollen is a mofo to get rid of inside.

Personally I'd get rid the hermie and just check the rest, but I'd say your five week batch will probs be seeded