Hermies?! NOOOO!!!


My plants are a few weeks into flowering. and there has been no issue thus far, but a few days ago it looked kinda like a male sack was forming but I couldn't be sure. The rest of the plant is green but the part i've been questioning is like a yellowish color and is scattered throughout the forming bud sites. Here are some pics. Can anyone tell me if the are hermies or if i'm just freaking out. after all the is ultimately my first grow.

any help would be appreciated. cheers mates.


Well-Known Member
I do not see any male "nanners" as of yet. The new growth on the upper part of the bud is more female flowers.

Just watch her for a few days and keep us posted. "nanners" will look like little fat mostly yellow tounges sticking out at you, not the little white hairs you have there.

Peace and Great Grows


Guitar Man

Well-Known Member

See the nanner in this picture? This plant hermed on me, and the smoke was incredible! I've grown several Hermaphrodites to maturity, and I don't think your plant has hermed (yet).


Ok thanks. I'll keep an eye on em and post pics in a few days.

Guitar Man, those plants look mighty fine. You say they hermed, was there a lot of see and how was the finished product? From that pic they look delicious.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I'll keep an eye on em and post pics in a few days.

Guitar Man, those plants look mighty fine. You say they hermed, was there a lot of see and how was the finished product? From that pic they look delicious.
View attachment 2465075View attachment 2465076View attachment 2465077

Thanks!! The plants are all mighty fine, and the finished product is kick ass! All of the buds you see in these pictures are in jars right now. The first picture, this girl only threw out a few nanners and was a piece of cake to keep under control. The second picture, she was a BITCH, throwing out a ton of nanners, but I mananged to keep her at bay with pollen. The third picture, she was a little tougher than the first one, but was easy to mature without busting any balls. The smoke will be absolutely the best, and no one will be able to tell they are Herms.

BTW, the last 2 plants are from seeds I aquired from my last Herm grow, so they are strain dependent. The first picture, I think she just got a little stressed because I hacked the shit out of her when she was almost 6 feet tall in my closet!! LOL


View attachment 2465075View attachment 2465076View attachment 2465077

Thanks!! The plants are all mighty fine, and the finished product is kick ass! All of the buds you see in these pictures are in jars right now. The first picture, this girl only threw out a few nanners and was a piece of cake to keep under control. The second picture, she was a BITCH, throwing out a ton of nanners, but I mananged to keep her at bay with pollen. The third picture, she was a little tougher than the first one, but was easy to mature without busting any balls. The smoke will be absolutely the best, and no one will be able to tell they are Herms.

BTW, the last 2 plants are from seeds I aquired from my last Herm grow, so they are strain dependent. The first picture, I think she just got a little stressed because I hacked the shit out of her when she was almost 6 feet tall in my closet!! LOL
Damn they all look great man. 6ft?! Monsters! You said "without busting any balls." If by some chance this girl does herm, is there a way to prvent to sacks from bursting?

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Damn they all look great man. 6ft?! Monsters! You said "without busting any balls." If by some chance this girl does herm, is there a way to prvent to sacks from bursting?
They weren’t all 6 foot monsters, thank goodness!! The Sativa strain in that 1 plant wanted to reach the moon! I’m growing another one of that strain right now that just broke soil, but I will be topping her waaaaay earlier this time!

Yes: pick them off and throw them in the toilet. Balls are seen on the nodes where they can easily be taken off. I use a small piece of tissue paper, sprayed with water, where I put the balls or nanners on until I’m ready to flush them. If you see a ball that has burst on your plant(s), spray the left over pollen on the branch with water; water neutralizes pollen.

If you see a nanner poking out of your buds, use tweezers sterilized in rubbing alcohol to pick them out. IMO, nanners are much more difficult to deal with if you are trying to mature your plant, but the payoff is still worth it (learning/finished product/female seeds for next grow (if you get seeds). The seeds will all be female, BUT, they will have the Hermaphrodite strain.

The one thing to consider is the size of your grow. Large growers don't have the time or energy to deal with Hermaphrodite bullshit, so I understand their distaste for this strain. I don’t have a lot to lose in my closet grow with only a few plants. I have a good friend who just harvested 94 lbs of bud from his 40 plants, and there is no way he wants to deal with a Hermaphrodite problem!!!!

That being said, if I ever end up growing larger quantities of MJ, my knowledge and skill has been thoroughly enhanced by growing this interesting and misunderstood strain.