

Active Member
My camera won't give me the kind of detail that would show you what I am talking about so I will try and describe it. I had to start my crop from seedling because of a major crop failure last year so I had no clones. I set my garden to flower on August 5 and have now pulled out what appears to be males (and there were plenty--perhaps 45% males. I moved them to a seperate room so I can collect their pollen as I have a mixed strain crop and make my own seeds. (I lost pollen during the power outage as well) I found four "males" that have pollen sacks at the top of the plant and white hairs underneath. Are these hermophodites?


Well-Known Member
Are you sure they are male sacks ? I found some strains look like that naturally and I cut a plant down early because of suspicions.

Normally I see pollen sacks poking out from within the buds (same place that the white hairs come from). They are a lighter green is one of the only things that makes them stand out.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like hermies but are you sure they're not seed pods where they've been pollinated?
Keeping males in the same house is risky. Different room or not. It's too easy to transfer pollen.
Secondly, to avoid a future disaster, why not keep a few mothers (one of each strain wanted as 'a keeper') as houseplants, in soil in a pot on a bedroom windowsill or something. Best done in a room that's used as turning the light on to go to bed stops them flowering in winter.
I have a mate who keeps mine at his house for me.