Hermy Advice Please


Active Member
hey guys wondering if u could help me out on this one..
Ive got four plants cloned from one female mother in the third week of flower. Their starting to bud up nicely, however ive found some pollen sacs on the very lower branches which dont receive much light. Ive removed all of these, only one or two were open. none of the upper colas had any sign of them.
Just wondering what affect this will on the plant? Does this mean my buds wont be as potent because its not a true female? full of seeds or what ??
any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
they might be hermie.
are you sure there is no light at all getting in during the dark period???
heat stress and overall stress causes it also. do u move them around alot and


Active Member
yea i guess that could be the problem. i have the lights on a timer and ive never broken the dark period but the seals on my door aren't too flash, just a normal door with a weather strip at the bottom. ive got a curtain hanging inbetween aswell.
they dont get moved much , i mean they get rotated but always in the same room. The temp is good always 75 with the hum. round 60. theres no sign of stress on any of the leaves.
The balls only appeared on new growth down the bottom,on weak stems. ild put it down to light gettin in, got a diff strain goin next time anyway. guess ill fix my seals. thx mate.


Well-Known Member
Hermie probably has more to do with genetics than light intrusion during dark. Pull the pollen sacks off as they appear. you WILL have seeds in the lower buds, but as long as you are vigilant the top large buds should not go to seed.