He's got balls.


Active Member
I'm currently growing 6 plants, 2 of which I just checked and are certain they are male, (first two pictures). I can see the pollen sacks from around 1 foot away, but on the 4 other plants I am confused as hell. I know the difference between a male and female plant, but on the other 4 plants I can't see any signs of either sex. They were all planted at the same time, does this mean the other 4 are female? (Second pic is suspected female).


Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
sorry but second pic is male as well. sacs = male and pistils = female. when you see balls, they arent going to magically turn into pistils, sorry

mr west

Well-Known Member
unlucky on the males dude. in my expirence(spl) femals take longer to show sex than the males. so the longer it takes the better lol. good luck>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
OH Yeah...

Unless you want any possible females nearby to get pregnant and start growing big balls herself..