Hey All new Grower looking for Advice


Active Member
Hey all, well I'm a first timer when it comes how to grow indoors. out of the 25 bagseeds that i started out with. Now only 5 of them turned out females. I have had them for about 2 months now or so and have kept them on 12/12 to sex them for the past 2 weeks. I use a 400w light. for my starts i used to 2 long ballasts with 2/40 w plant grow lights in each. I also have 2 250w lights & 1 400watt currently not being used. Thats all i can think of right now. please leave me some pointers and comments. Thanks.

400watt Light-


Active Member
Well the only nute's i've used are just what are in the soil and some filterd fish soil from the bottom of a hatchery. The temp is 77-82 and i have the light from smallest plant at 27''

Using the balaste's for starts.. heres a picure.

Only type of ventalition I have to recycle air.

There's only one plant in the cfl box with those lights.


Active Member
Took some Advice from a couple people and hooked up the other 400w Mh light. I also added some moisture control Miracle grow for some better Nutes. well thats all i can think of for now i look forward to hearing replies and Posting more pictures to come.
picture of the lights hanging there

Overhead Veiw Of what it looks like.

Side view of what it looks like now.

tiny buds appearing. cant really see with the camera..

Left side of Starts. 3 days In

right side of starts, 3 clones in the back


Well-Known Member
as time goes.. you'll be able to solve your stretching problem... good luck, nice pics... sorry about the males...

since they are a little stretchy.. and you only got 5 out of 25 as fem... are you planning to use one for cloning...


Active Member
Yeah only cloning four to see how they turn out. You can see them under the picture of the ballester; new to growing and cloning just have some rootone and soil.


Active Member
Hey got a question!!

The little starts in the picture with the ballasts, how can I keep them small cause right now they already are at the light..


Active Member
Think it will burn them? i put my hand under it doesnt get very hot on my palm.

Top View looking down at Plants.

400wattMH Light W/ Reflector 12Inch's away from closest plant.

Another shot; as you noticed bowed them down with fishing line to hopefully get thicker/bushier leaves.

any advice is welcomed.


Well-Known Member
hey man... what about using the SCROG method.... when you use a screen below the lights... so the leaves can't pass the screen and get burned, and the leaves make a canopy....