hey,at least I got it rooted,right?


Well-Known Member
Well my fresh clone has rooted after 8 days...it was looking really good until about the second day out of its humidity dome when not the tips...but the edges of the leaf showed some odd signs...not drying...they are still flexible...but they lost the green and instead they are like a light light brown almost...althought not all leaves,,,it was under my 600 watt hps but it was like 3 feet away so i have trouble believing it was that...maybe i should let it chill under my floros for a little longer??i see like 1 root at the bottom of its pot...i was planning on flowering as soon as it rooted but apparently i wasnt supposed to because the whole plant is no longer green...


Well-Known Member
Probably a bit hard core to be putting it straight under a 600 from cloning especially if there isnt a decent root ball formed. That much light will put a huge demand on the roots to supply juice up the stem, if the roots aren't fully developed then there won't be enough coming up the stem to feed the leaves I think.

I usually put mine under the big lights when much of the root ball is white with roots. Also can take a day or two for the clones to adjust to the boost in lumens from a cloning light to a full blown 600w HPS.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yes-your clones dont need so much light at first.I put my clones to my windowsill and they still to fine.


Active Member
Probably a bit hard core to be putting it straight under a 600 from cloning especially if there isnt a decent root ball formed. That much light will put a huge demand on the roots to supply juice up the stem, if the roots aren't fully developed then there won't be enough coming up the stem to feed the leaves I think.

I usually put mine under the big lights when much of the root ball is white with roots. Also can take a day or two for the clones to adjust to the boost in lumens from a cloning light to a full blown 600w HPS.

definitely well spoken. Theres not much more you can add to that, other than along with the right light intensity, your going to need to have the right environment change. A plant needs to be introduced into new environments slowly, with subtle changes at a time so that you dont shock the plant and kill some roots or leaves. From what you said, the only thing that hasnt been mentioned is to keep your humidity to around the same as it was under the dome.

any other questions, get at me