Hey.can i put my 2 wek old plants into flowering in 1 week??? Pics !!!


Active Member
Hey these are small plants just 2 weeks old but for a certain reason i needto put them into flowering in 1 week... they have around 10 leaves and look very very very healthy... 2 is superskunk the rest are early skunk, the superskunks actually smell really strong at such a young age and the others dont smell atall..lol they are going to be stinky when they are older haha :D... when i put them into 12/12 after just only 3 weeks veg will this effect the yeild and size of plant??? these are my babys and i would love to veg for at least another 3 weeks but as i says due to the terms they havto go into flowering :(:(... open to all answers.. thanks guys i shall keepupdated with my grow... peaceout ecktoplazm :bigjoint:

^this one is early skunk and has very rounded leaves??? it looks sooo healthy tho very strong stem and really sage green in colour.. i love this strain :D:D

this is just the 5 i will be putting into flowering in 1 week " if possible" ?? The little babys at the left side are 2x jack herrar they should be funn :D:D

this is another early skunk tho the leaves are alot sharper anf=d jaggy in shape they have more legnth also which is weird because they are both same strain ????.. ps this one looks alot cooler haha......

and just another of them all together... they look so cute :Dbongsmilie

i am all ears to your info so please somboday give me detail ..it is much appreciated . first time grower ecktoplazm ... peace out guys....:bigjoint:


Active Member
you can flower from seed if you want.its all up to you so yea go ahead and flower away! they wont actually flower until they get alternating nodes but you can run a 12-12 light cycle from day 1.Good looking gerls bro!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Yep, just because you change the light cycle doesn't men they will cooperate and start flowering. They will spend whatever time they need until they mature (as seen with alternating nodes) and will then start to flower. It could take a week or 3 depending on the genetics.