Hey Every1 Good Day.. Is 4 23 watt 2700k bulbs enough to flower?


Is 4 23 watt 2700k bulbs enough to flower? i plan on switching from Veg to Flower in a couple of days with this bag seed.... wondering if i should add a 23 watt 5500k in there. Appreciate all TIPS Thanks:joint:


The more light in flower the better ive got a 5k cfl and 3 2700k in a 4x2 cabinet and there doing great other then the light fell on her and burned some leafs but yea deffinatly the more light the better in flowering


my first ? would be only one plant?? then id say yes if more than one id say add as many as you can handle the more the better and having a broad spectrum is a matter of opinion some ppl say that the other spectrums help it grow bigger when using the cfls but i say as long as you have reached your veg limit or where you want them sometimes letting them get bigger is kinda hindering bc the light cant penetrate as well or they get too tall and dont end up with the same potency but...... its all hear say

got any pics???