Hey everyone new to the forum have a question for yall


Hey All,
I'm "Carl" I live In British Columbia, Canada. I've done a lot of reading but this is my first post. When I was about 16 years old I wrecked my knee biking, I went to the doctor once for it after I had originally done the damage, the doctor told me it would heal and everything would be fine, its now been 7 years, I haven't been back to the doctor for this particular reason since but I still live with the bother of it every day. When I was 20 I started self medicating with cannabis (after extensive research in to the matter) because I'm not into the whole pain killer thing. I am not an every day user but I do find it helps me when my knee starts acting up (or for any pain for that matter). My question is; is this serious enough to get a license to use cannabis or should I just keep doing what I'm doing and buy it from the sketchy dealers when I need it? if anyone has any info please fill me in, if you know a doctor/specialist that can help me out maybe pm me his/her name and location. I am not one of those people that likes to break the law but I feel like cannabis is the healthiest alternative and I will continue to use it whether a license is possible or not. Any info at all would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Carl.
You have a VERY tough case to prove with a 7year gap in medical attention to this injury. You need to create a paper trail, unfortunately by the time you see a specialist the program could be over, but who knows... some doctors dont care and sign on right away and some just flat out say no. There are always doctors taking reimbursement for there time to fill out the forms, this would be your best route. Best of luck friend.
Just because you haven't bothered anyone with it, doesn't mean it's not there. Go get it checked out, scoped, x-rayed. Whatever is necessary. Have you informed your doctors that you still have some discomfort from it at any point? It's worth investigating, if the pain is getting worse you can start the paper trail now.