Hey guys, I need some sympathy


Active Member
Well, it's 11:30 here in Hawaii, and I just got dumped. Sitting here listening to Pretty Hate Machine and trying to wrap my mind around it... anyone want to cheer me up:(?


Well-Known Member
bang her sister...if she has one...if not her best friend, mom...something spiteful. It always made me feel better...:)


Active Member
ROFL, you guys put a smile right back on my face. So I need to get really drunk and fuck her best friend, huh? Sounds good, actually:).


Well-Known Member
You're in Hawaii and you're worried about some chick? Where I'm at, we have below zero wind chill right now with 40 mph wind gusts. So remember dude, it's aaaaalways worse somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, life may suck, but you live in Hawaii for dog's sake! My housemate is about to go surfing, in a 7mm full wetsuit, with hood, and boots, and gloves. That's how cold it is here, and it's sunny! I'm sure he'd trade places


Well-Known Member
you can find sympathy in the Webster's Dictionary,,, right between shit and syphyllis:mrgreen:,,,,,,lol,,just kiddin man,,ya,,here in T.O. we are freezing,,not many chics walkin the street,,or beach for that matter,,go hang at the airport,,wait till ya see some hot exotic chic come in alone travelling light,,,,,hey,,ya never know

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Frank Zappa has a song titled "Broken Hearts Are For Assholes" & its true,broken hearts are for assholes,if that bitch dumping you is the worst thing that happens in your life then your good to go.

If it was me i'd get a bottle of Jim Beam,twist up a few fat ones then go out & buy a hooker,get her to a hotel & do every filthy thing to her that you can think of,do all the shit your ex never dreamed of.


Well-Known Member
i suppose the question that is being overlooked, that I should have asked last night, is how meaningful was the relationship to you? Just because a person live somewhere nice doesn't mean that getting broken up with doesn't suck. I don't think it matters where you live. If you lived in the garden of eden and Eve dumped your ass it would suck regardless of the fact that you lived in paradise. What our friend here needs is constructive ideas on how to "get back" at his ex. If its not below you, steal her cat. Then when she comes looking for it tell her you sold it to a Chinese food restaurant.

:) Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
You see. Now this is the type of kak that happens in a feminist society. Poor guy. I have had 19 girlfriends in my life, and every one of them dumped me!

Now I oscillate between Islamic fundamentalism and Christian fundamentalism and just plain 'women should have no rights at all' fundamentalism.