Hey guys looking for your thoughts.

I am BRAND new to this. This is my first time around and I am growing a very small amount for personal medical use. I don't know if it is good or not but I am trying to be organic and just wanted to see if you guys think I should tweak anything. I am currently running a veg tent 2x2x3 with 104w t5 HO light and a 2x4x5 tent for flower with a 400 hps/mh w/ cooltube. I am using the GO box from general organics. I am about 5- 5.5 weeks into flower. Your thoughts please?
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Well-Known Member
Looks good, I love that you are vegging with t5 that is so the way to go. I switch mine over at 20 inches give or take, are you using any root stimulant at all. Vodo Juice will tripple the root size during veg. Thank when you switch over to hps the plants go wild. Good luck!