Hey guys noob here


New Member
First grow cant figure out if its a male or a female or herma, i just don't get this anymore, what this is can anyone help? thx
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At first glance it looks 100% male, but I see a few pistils which is kind of odd. Can you post a better picture? This one is out of focus and I can't zoom in on the sacs.

Pretty sure it's a chop candidate either way, I'm more just curious than anything else.
sorry this the best pic i could take. thats what drives me nuts the fact that it has pistils and what looks like seeds some of them are open and pistils comes out of them, some are not yet open.
Well without a better pic won't be able to help you more, but it almost looks like a pollinated female. Is it your only plant?
Yes , and a week old seedling, but thx a lot for the replay, was searching around the web for days for an answear.
No problem. Since it's your only plant I'd guess it's a self pollinated hermie. Chop it down sooner rather then later, and somewhere away from your seedling so you don't risk getting any more pollen in your tent.