No that won't cut it. But anyone can qualify all you need to do is have some kind of chronic pain. Most people do have chrnoc back pain or foot pain or something but if you don't if you are perfect then fake having carpal tunnel syndrome from using the computer and mouse. All you have to do is look it up the symptoms and say you have that pain and nobody can say otherwise, there's no way a doctor can actually tell if you do or don't have carpal tunnel.
Go to your doc a couple times and complain about that pain exactly as described on the web and let him do the actual diagnosis as carpal tunnel syndrome. Go the first time and get some kind of narcotic for the pain then the second time another.
That's two trips to your normal doc, establishes a recent qualifying condition, fax records to a medical mj clinic and then he will approve you.
Problem solved.
If you have ever gone to the doc in the last two years and complained of any pain more than once that also will qualify you, there just needs to be a record of the pain.
If you had glaucoma that would be different but your condition is just not going to be enough even if you are blind in one eye UNLESS you have chronic pain from that condition. If you do it needs to be documented and the doc needs to prescribe some pain killer for it more than one time.
Either way you would not list your eye condition as the reason for the med mj you would list chronic pain as the reason even though that may only be a symptom of the main eye problem.
Get headaches a lot? That's chronic pain if it's documented and if a doc has prescribed something for the pain. You need to make sure they did list the pain in your records and not just the condition that caused it.