hey...new grower here


Active Member
hey i've been a smoker for awhile and just recently had the chance to start growing my own bud. right now i have four pots of one seedling each growing in a nightstand next to my bed. it's right by a window with a windowfan, so when i open the door to the nightstand they get nice air circulation. they are being lit with an ott lite that i bought at lowes Natural Light for Crafting, Hobbies, Reading, Sewing and Quilting from OTT-LITE Technology they call it "natural light for growing healthy plants indoors" so i thought it sounded like the right thing to use. first, i put the four seeds i had in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel and let them sprout. luckily, they all sprouted and i planted them in four seperate six inch diameter plastic pots insome premium top soil with play sand and humus and cow manure already mixed in. the soil drains extremely well and so do the pots. right now ive been doing 18 hours of light and watering once a day. two of plants are growing nicely and have broken through the surface and have grown their first four leaves, one plant has grown to about an inch already in about a week. the other two are growing (i moved the dirt around and checked to see if roots have started and they have) and should be breaking through the surface soon. ive been watering them with standard tap water fron my sink...but i'm not sure the pH is right for them and it's probably not. is it possible to use bottled water to water them? are there any tips anyone has for me or anything that i'm doing wrong? i'm totally open to all comments and ideas because i just want to grow some quality bud!


Well-Known Member
How many watts is your light, your gonna want around 25watts apiece per plant for the vegging and 50watts minimum for flowering per plant. It also seems to me that buying cfl's would be alot cheaper too. only water when the top 1/2-1 inch is dry. If you're not hooked up to a well for water you should let the water sit for 24 hours before before you use it to let the chlorine evaporate out, that would be alot cheaper than buying your water for the next three months or so, for the last two weeks of flowering I would use plain distilled water though.


Active Member
the light says its only 13 watts...it's a pretty small light but it produces a lot of light. on top of that they do get natural sunlight when i open the nightstand door. do you think i should just go buy another light?


Well-Known Member
that light will work ok for about a week longer but you should definitley get some cfl's, you can get around 70 watts of them under 8 dollars at wal-mart


Well-Known Member
Welcome and good luck with the grow.

Check out GrowFAQ at the top of the page. FULL of pertinent info - great resource!