hey people can anyone tell me what this is and what to do


Active Member
what are you feeding them and what's your ph?
im feeding them dutch master. which i normally dont like but is all i have access to at the moment. ph is 5.7.. the ppm is 100-200. i normally build the level of feed up as the plant gets bigger


Well-Known Member
i would go ahead and try bumping it up to 500-750 looks like they arent getting quite enough N. Plants look pretty nice and healthy otherwise!


Active Member
hi im still having the same problem. it is getting worse. all new growth is ok but the old is getting worse. yellowness and burnin around the edges. any help thank you


Active Member
hi i have figured out the problem i am havin. for some reason it is over watered. but i dont understand why. i am runnin a dwc system, the pump is the most powerful one i can get from the hydro shop. could it be that the water isnt oxgneated enough.. i checked the roots and they are go slightly brown. they are not coming out the net pots yet. so i fill the resovoir so it is touchin the net pots. is this ok. the rockwool was very wet so i had to drain it out. that is the reason i think the roots are goin brown. this is the first time i am runnin this system. is the water supposed to touch the rockwool or just the roots. the airstones are to small balls(bit smaller then golf ball size). they are in a 125 litre resovoir. would it be bettrer to get airstones that spread more across the rsovoir. any help would be excellen, thank you


U right man the water in the resorvour should only be touchin the roots not the rock wool cubes. Post some more pics or the root system to the plants.


Well-Known Member
They are too underdeveloped for constant watering. You should top feed them every so often until roots hang down into your res. DO NOT soak the rockwool with each watering, instead water the perimeter of your net pots, so the roots have to search instead of becoming lazy. Did you rinse your hydroton before use? I'm asking because it looks to me like it was not....
If your roots feel slimy you need to do a search for 'root rot' and address it asap ;)
Good luck,
ive bin growing in a areogarden for the past month and the only probblems it has is
air change the air in the buttom disconnect the air stone and replace it with a wall bubbler it looks like a air stone but its more like a hose its about 1 foot long works so much better the more air u add the fast ur growth will be.. in one month i have 3 plants at 26 inchs and very healthy my branchs are only 1/2 inch apart very nice for when buds start... but the best thing to pick up is a book calledmarijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible if anyone has any prroblems reply back to me and ill help u out as much as i can