Hey there, first time grower needs some tips


Hey guys im planning to start growing when spring starts here in Australia, probably a bit more than a month to go.
Well I want to grow outdoors but Im confused as to what type of soil I need, since everywhere I look all the guides are for hydro or indoors. So is it okay to use normal outdoor soil in my backyard? or do I need to buy some special soil mix for growing outdoors? and if I do need to buy seperate soil, then which type do I need to buy as I know that theres a variety of them to choose from.
I also read that when you plant them in a small pot and go to transplant it to a bigger pot then the plant usually dies. is this true? also I read that using chlorinated water kills your plant so do you think I can boil the water then use it to water the plant? since boiling water kills the chlorine I think.

Also if anyone can show me a thread where theres a good instruction on how to grow outdoors then i'd be happy to read it since i've been looking around and haven't found any good articles since most of them are for hydro growing.

Thanks and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is buy a light metre, take this out with you on reckies make sure that you pick a nice piece of land that is not visited by alot of people and the light is realy good all day.Go for a strain that is one that is used of realy warm temp's because i know that the weather gets hot down under.Once you have found a place i would take bags of soil in with you this can be a real pain but the rewards are far greater you dig the hole or hole's and put some hole's on the bottom of the shop bought compost and place the whole bag in the hole.By doing this you know that only your plants are gonna recive the benefits from the soil and the nutreint's are not going to be taken by any veggatation from around the hole.make sure that you take nutrients in every week and water so choose yr spot wisely near water but not to near a fisherman may find the herb.On a out door grow i like to take nutes in and stash them in a spider hole,this is a hole made for the purpose of hideing the tools needed for the growMake a box out of wood put it in the soil and put all the stuff in and put some soil over the top.If it rains there is no need to visit the plants i would advice when you do visit go at the crack of dawn or late at night good luck the rewards can be great but it is worrying doing a outdoor grow....tyke...................................