Hey there, RIU!!


Hey guys! I've been learning so much from this forum, I finally decided to create an account and introduce myself.. The name's Lawrence, I hail from the fantastic foothills of the Rockies (CO, specifically), and (over the last month or so) I've been researching and planning my first grow.

I'm a totally newbie to growing and RIU has helped me out unfailingly!! All of the people here have helped me immensely and I can't thank you all enough :-P!!

Despite the seemingly universal abhorrence of autos, I decided they would be best for my particular situation - at least to start with - so I ordered a few and they finally arrived today! I'll be starting a journal as soon as seed hits soil.

Since it's my first time, I'm doing a small, very cheap, very ghetto, semi-stealthy CFL grow in a closet. Also, despite the strong criticisms of it, MG seemed to fit my setup best (cheap and easy). I'm not expecting a big yield from the autos (mainly looking to gain experience on this one - I've already thought of things I'd change for next time), but I will pour my heart and soul into my new babies to ensure they grow up happy. If everything goes well, I plan to have some sort of perpetual grow going in my closet - just two 60-day autos, each planted a month apart.

Before I start, I'd like to get some opinions... I was planning on germing my seeds the typical way - wrapped in a wet paper towel - until i came across this post... What do you guys think is the best way to germ an auto? Should I just plop it in the soil? Or a cup full of water? Or just a damp paper towel?

Thanks folks,


Active Member
the cup of water is the easiest, u dont have to risk ur papertowel drying out and killing ur seed be4 it starts. take some pics of ur setup i would love to see what ur workin with


Well-Known Member
Rock On Man,, Welcome
I do the cup o water then the wet paper towel pop a tap root and into a plug.
Good Luck

Dick Moser

Active Member
honeslty, i prefer to start mine in some loose recycled dirt and pull them out of that as they sprout. its just so damn cute and ever since i started that way on accident i cant stop.


Well-Known Member
everybody has their favorite way that works best for them and I don't believe any way is better or best than another. I put my seeds in a shot glass filled with ph'd water and a drop of superthrive for about 24 hours. While they are soaking I soak a Grodan rock wool cube in ph'd water. When the seeds are ready I put one into each rockwool cube. Always squeeze the excess water from them first! I put them in a dark place that has a consistant enviroment. After they sprout I keep them in the same enviroment but lit up with a few flourescent bulbs for a week then into 4" pots and T-5 lights for the start of veg.The single most important thing I can tell you is that whatever method you choose you need a stable consistant enviroment for your seedlings to be strong.
75 - 80 degrees, 50 - 70 % humidity CONSISTANTLY - no wild swings, no hot and cold, no cold breeze, your seedlings will love you.


Haha I'll try not to, dick moser... Thanks for all the input guys! I think I'll put em in water, then, once they sink, I'll just throw em in some loose soil... hopefully they'll both sprout!

So here's my basic setup... I originally got a bunch of little CFLs (13w) of various temps but, thanks to RIU, I realized the little ones prob won't work, so I went out and got a couple 55w soft white bulbs. All the other CFLs are just complimentary... I figure more light couldn't hurt (yeah?). I got a $1 rattle can of matte white paint and went to town on the inside. The vertical surge strip is gonna stay there, the other two horizontal ones (with the all-important 55 watters) will move as my ladies grow.

This is the best pic I got right now - I know it's crazy blurry... better pics/info will be posted in the journal.
2011-01-19 18.10.16.jpg



Awesome djburns... I'm picking up a thermometer/hygrometer tomorrow - I'll be sure to stabilize the cab before I actually germ the seeds.

Dick Moser

Active Member
i would try to get a couple more cfls and not matte white, a gloss or even satin is better then matte, hell even some tin foil from the kitchen woud be better, and lets mabye get a batter pic of the set up :) and of course the seeds, what genetics do you have/know????? and post your journal in the sig as soon as you get it up :)


But I heard tinfoil is satan's spawn when it comes to wall lining? K, next trip to wallyworld will net me some glossy white and a decent thermometer. Thanks all, lovin the input!

For seeds, I'm starting with an auto/fem version of Jack Herer and a Roadrunner auto. I'll try one of each, then figure out which I like best (or both).


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu. I've used both methods and I had 100% success rate with both. I guess its just a personal preference the way you choose to. The seeds I germinate last week were done with papertowels . Good luck on your grow peace


Well-Known Member
welcome, enjoy the site. i have almost a 100% germ rate with the paper towel method, i say go with that. good luck to ya.