HEY-total noob here- i need basically steps to grow..


Active Member
My boyfriend and I have been thinking about growin some green...Anyone know like step by step or something usefull. I have been around sites an nothing helps me...I get lost or confused! Jesus I just want to grow something!



Well-Known Member
GROWFAQ pretty much has all the basics.. Start with some CFL's or florescents till your plants get big.. If you are still in high school you gotta go tho..


Well-Known Member
Make your first grow in soil or a semi-soilless mix. Don't use expense seeds. Use seeds from a bag you bought. Start small - only 8 - 12 plants.
3 gallon pot - mix up you growing medium from the following guidelines :
(1) part compost (1) part peat moss (1) part vermiculite or pertilite (1) part potting soil (without fertilizer in it - don't buy Walmart's super cheap potting soil - it blows)
Start your seeds in a couple of wet paper towels, in a warm dark place. Once, they germinate and the root is sticking out. Plant it, just deep enough, to cover the root, leave the top uncovered.
Listen very carefully - The top two mistakes made are - OVERWATERING & OVERFERTILIZING.
Mix up some very weak fertilizer - I suggest Peter's brand - it's cheap, has micro-nutrients & works well. It comes as a 20-20-20 NPK mix, just cut the mixing dose down to a quarter or less of what is suggested. That will make a NPK of 5-5-5 or under.
Pour in one quart of this weak fertilizer for every gallon of soil you have in your pot - no more.
Now, leave Mary alone. Let her do her thing. In one week, water using only plain water - same guidelines - one quart per gallon of soil in your pot.
Stay on this schedule. Water once every week, fertilize once every two weeks - no more.
Each time you fertilize, increase your mix just a little. Don't go above 10-10-10.
When your plants start to pre-flower (stop growing & start showing sex) switch to a cheap - flowering fertilizer. It should have less Nitrogen and more Phosphorus & K (Potassium). The numbers will be like NPK 3-8-6 or 1-4-4 It does not have to be exact. Just more P & K, less N.
Read the threads suggested by the growers above & relax - Mary is a weed - in nature she grows just fine without our help. She does not require perfect conditions - Just a decent source of light (the sun or at least 40 watts of light (don't use regular light bulbs) per square foot - Compact Floro's, or Floro' shop lights or a small MH or HPS grow light), some water, some nutrients & a medium to spread her roots in.
She's a weed - this is not rocket science - don't sweat the small stuff. It's pretty easy - just don't kill her with kindness - overwatering & overfertilizing.
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Well-Known Member
First lesson you are gonna need to master...patience. Getting to final product can be torture when the girls really start showing what they got. You can find everything you need to know and more online.