hi again.


Well-Known Member
:-? look i dont want to seem like a liar but i changed my mind on my light but as of right now the a200 is just not in my price range right now and iwant to get started asap. but i decided to buy the ds xml by advancedled.com iv heard great things about it. anyway hit me with friend requests i plan on being here awhile. im just a down home country boy, im not fond of a whole bunch of people but everybody i talked to so far here is cool as hell. respect is given when respect is shown. anyway as soon as i get my light ill start a journal. should have it by mid nov. atm i have no computer just an android but if i can figure out how ill post pics of my summer grow with it, if not yall have to wait till i get my kindle fire but atm my ligh is #1 priority