Hi, can any one help me? first grow


New Member
I have 400 hps and 8 sq,ft closet
It give 48000 lumen and be 6000 lumen per sq,ft
Can i put 2 of 400 w in my tent?
And what u think about my ex vent and cfm that must be have?
Thx guys .peace DSC_0481.JPGDSC_0481.JPG
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A 400 watt HPS is really a pretty good place to be for 8 square feet of canopy without CO2 enrichment. You have 50 watts per square foot, with HPS thats perfect, if you were running CO2 enrichment then you could go up to 60 watts per sqft.
Thx man for ur reply, can tell about size of exase fan?
How many plant is better 2 or 4?
So u said i can remove that 2 50watt led?
I made by my self a 200 watt led with led power 1 watt ,how many watt of this type of led do i need for another 8 sq ft?
Thx dud.
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