Hi from the ShowMe state


Well-Known Member
Have a modest inside grow with a AC Infinity 2x4x6ft and a couple more ladies outside in the sweltering heat. Started off with 2 98 Aloha White Widows from Seedpharm, a rather odd Triple Sec seed from an 8th of dispo weed and some "boutique seeds" from a local cultivator called RKO. Made sure to get a clone of the Triple Sec because the smell is amazing.

Not too bad considering i havent grown much besides peppers for the last 10 years. 4 weeks into flowering using just Alaska Fish emulsion and MorBloom. :D

I also chose this forum based on the Xenforo software. Im a admin for nonrelated topic forum. Big fan of this platform.
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Its been a long time since i grew. Last time was White Widow x Crystal Meth and some Bubbleberry. The smell of the Triple Sec is just like the name sounds and the RKO smell sweet like candy. Tree1Four is the local cultivator for the RKO. I got them free as a "door prize" at Happy Hydro shop.

Enjoying some really hard hitting Summer Social kief atm. Dispo has it cheap for like $22/g and its nearly 60%.