Hi Im New To The Forum Just Looking For Some Advice Regarding Low Yeilds


Well-Known Member
Hey there, been having bad yields for the last few runs, could you guys help pinpoint the problem(s). Here’s some info on my room


10x10 foot room
2 older dehumidifers
1 (2fan) chiller
5(1000 watt lights) in air cooled shades
No co2
Soil (promix hp) in 2 gal pots
Pots on pallets raised from the ground
2 oscillating fans moving air around
Intake and exhaust
2 charcoal filters

I’ve been growing a kush and Jamaican strain… both seem to peek at 10 oz’s/light which is unacceptable. The food regiment is feed,water,feed, water using Advanced Nutrients peaking at 1200 ppm in week 4. My daytime temp is around 79 F and humidity is around 50% however my night time temp is 62 F and the humidity is 70%... could this be the problem is it to cold and wet for them at night? Should I get a few heaters to bump up the temp to 70 and potentially decrease the humidity???? The other thing I noticed is the stems are filled with a white film creating little or no straw effect…in other words the arteries of the plant are clogged.. why would they be clogged, I am not over feeding, would it be linked to the low night time temps and high humidity??? 1 last thing to mention is I do occasionally have some powdery mildew appearing in the 4th week im proactive about it and spray before and during the time I see the mildew usually resulting in only a few plants having some dots of mildew on their fan leaves at the end of bloom. Any ideas guys any help is appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
that high of humidity would worry me. it is most likely the cause of your mildew. you can purchase a de-humidifier and it will fix it right up.


Well-Known Member
ive got 2 older dehumidifers both cranked to the max always.... still i have 70% humidity at night where as 50% during the day i presume the heat fromt he lights decrease the humidity in th day time... either way how many more dehumidifers do i need for a 10x10 foot space????


Well-Known Member
ive seen them in other ppl rooms and seen the yeilds...i am more then certain its not the strain


Just some idiot
Damn cause your setup is really nice. Tough one, are all the lights up to par, meaning are the bulbs newer or older? Is it just the yiled is low or are you getting fluffy buds?


Well-Known Member
yea i also thought it was the lights and soil before.. so i got new lights and started only using new soil.. but still the numbers are low.. i lollypop them b4 they go into bloom so i end up with big colas they look great in week 7 but they dry up to nuthing so i guess ya u can say there fluffy... im running out of ideas... the other thing i could mention is that my set up is in a crawl space on soil foundation of the house so theres no concrete or real floor so i used layed down a tarp and polyed the walls and celiing creating a sealed room... i don tknow if that has some sort of an affect other then posbbily craating more humidity???


Just some idiot
The temps seem a bit low but I run in the same area, I've noticed it slows the vegetative growth maybe it does the same with yield in flower. Although I haven't noticed any huge drops in yield just more color...yay. My humidity is a bit lower, maybe FDD has it right with the humidity...I know it can cause pest and mold problems for sure but yield I do not know for sure. What did you say you were getting a plant? How long do you veg? And when you say you have seen it in other grow rooms, what mediums are they using? And when are you lollipopping them?

You have a good one, tough but always something new to learn...:confused:


Well-Known Member
the "no floor" issue is most likely the cause of your high humidity. you may not be able to get enough de-humidifiers. could just be sucking moisture out of the ground.


Active Member
Location sounds like a big problem to me. I use to work in construction. A crawlspace underneath a house is one of the most humid areas one can find. That humidity breeds all kinds of molds and mildews that are easily transferrable. Using dehumidifiers in such an environment is a losing battle (unless you fund a colossal one.) Question: How often does you dehumidifier fill up with water?? Hours? Days?


Well-Known Member
I veg in another room for 2-3 weeks then 3-4 days b4 blooom i lollypop/make clones this is great in mainting a perpetual grow without having moms..i spray for mold and pest b4 i put into bloom and then again in week 3 and anytime after when needed...im averaging about hlaf oz per plant sad to say... the other rooms ive seen they used hydro and soil for both strains.. i feel like im doing everything right but the numbers are not showing it.

Gygax when u say u run in the same area .. does that mena in a crawl space with no concrete??


Well-Known Member
yea the no floor situation is an never ending battle.. as there is always moisuter building up ... kinda like a tent when u wake up in the morning u have all that moiasuter on the walls.. but i figured 2 dehumidifers for 10 x 10 woudl be more hten anough..apparently not


Just some idiot
I veg in another room for 2-3 weeks then 3-4 days b4 blooom i lollypop/make clones this is great in mainting a perpetual grow without having moms..i spray for mold and pest b4 i put into bloom and then again in week 3 and anytime after when needed...im averaging about hlaf oz per plant sad to say... the other rooms ive seen they used hydro and soil for both strains.. i feel like im doing everything right but the numbers are not showing it

Well chances are the hydro grows are going to yield more..usually. I guess its the humidity, do you have an area that is more suitable to grow in? Would a cement floor help?


Well-Known Member
"Location sounds like a big problem to me. I use to work in construction. A crawlspace underneath a house is one of the most humid areas one can find. That humidity breeds all kinds of molds and mildews that are easily transferrable. Using dehumidifiers in such an environment is a losing battle (unless you fund a colossal one.) Question: How often does you dehumidifier fill up with water?? Hours? Days?"

So what do u say , pakc up the show and start somewhere else or throw in another dehumidifer and some heaters for night time and pray for better results??? i empty the dehumidifers once a day ... depdning on when i water/feed they suck up more or less water.... another thing is that these dehumidifiers are older so i cant set them to certain humidity i just have them cranked to the max all the time


Well-Known Member
get some fresh air in there if you dont have a vent system or a co2 burner. typically sealed environments only work well with co2


Well-Known Member
Well chances are the hydro grows are going to yield more..usually. I guess its the humidity, do you have an area that is more suitable to grow in? Would a cement floor help?
Of course a cement florr woudl help... the only other space i have is not as safe from neighbours and right next to the meter


Well-Known Member
its sealed off from the remaing of the crawl space.. but i do have intake with filters on them and an exhaust