hi riu. heat and light etc.


Active Member
Hi all. Thanks for looking. I am using cfls to grow. Things are going OK exept my temps are to high. I was using 295 watts of mixed spectrums and my temps were high 80s. So I decided to use some plexi glass as a shield but upped my lights to 465 watts. Should I tone it down a bit but remove the glass shield? My temps are high 70 very low 80s atm with 465 watts. Though I'm sure its not really that many watts as shitty as these bulbs are. I do have 10 26 waters. Pics are of 295 watt setup and 465 watt. Thanks.IMG_20120726_092744.jpg


Well-Known Member
The highest you want to go is 85F. 75-80F are the perfect temps though. Keep in mind CFLs have low penetration. How many plants are you growing?


Well-Known Member
never dropped below 85ish in my grow... always around 90 degrees or so
269 watts.. 70g's dry... 1st cfl grow