HID light worries


I have a HID lamp, sunmaster dual spectrum 250W light and the today one of the rollers holding the reflector broke while the HID was running, luckily there were no plants in there but it was still on and running and I had to turn it off, take the bulb out and check it for damage.

I checked it, there's no cracks on the bulb, but a few little scratches and a gauge mark where the top of the HID hit the reflector (I'm assuming not very hard as it was quiet close to the reflector obviosuly), my question is can I still use this HID safely?

It's not cracked or anything and it was still running without explosion after the reflector fell.

I would be gutted to have to go out and spend another £20 on a brand new HID :sad:


HID was running in a room with no plants?

Rollers? It was hanging for the ceiling correct? Not exactly clear on what you're taking about... the scratches are on the reflector itself where the bulb made contact with it? Or are there scratches on the bulb?
If there is any kind of damage on the bulb, even a scratch, I wouldn't use it. Even though it is only a 250 watt they still get hot and you don't want any possibility of that glass envelope breaking. A photo would help clarify these things.

I know reflectors can range from being pretty light-weight to quite heavy (esp. if the ballast is built in). I had a magnetic HID (with built in ballast) half-fall on me, weight distribution was totally uneven due to the ballast and it slipped while I was trying to adjust it. Got a good scar near my elbow thanks to that but the light itself was fine.