Hiding Heat


Active Member
Hello fellow tokers. So i'm getting ready to start my Garden, gonna do it in a walk-in closet in my apartment. Not gonna be too big only taking up the back side of the area. Got enough room for 3 levels. 1 for veg cycle and 2 for flowering each able to fit 4-6 plants per flowering area. I plan on going with a 400w HPS light for each flowering area. each area will have its own small squirl cage fan venting to my exhaust fan for my bathroom. My questions are ,will that be enough light per flowering area and enough ventilation for the area ? And how visable is the heat gonna be on the outside, dont want any pesty porkers head'n my way ya know.

Any feed back is helpful , thank you and keep on toke'n. :weed:


Well-Known Member
it is against the law for them to use thermal to look for grow ops so dont worry about that.....the fans should be ok but for a small area ive found the lights that can be cooled by air are the best because you can keep them very close to the tops of the plants and all of the heat from the light is faned out of the grow area with a fan...very efficient.


Well-Known Member
I kind of have the same set up and am using a fan to move air out a vent in the wall. I also on hotter days add dry ice to the room to drop temps and raise c02 levels in the room. I dont have to worry about it much in winter! But summer I have no Idea what I am going to do yet ( apartment air should keep it down enough though):blsmoke: