High Quality Soil From Scotts

This is really more of a question than a statement. But If One were to Dump a bag of Scotts, or any other homedepot walmart lowes bag of dirt, in a tub of water and sift it around til all Perlite and other flamboyant (spell ck) materials floated to the top, They would have a material with a higher % Perlite and it would be a better growing medium than the original mix...? I dunno . I sifted some out the other day just to see if it would work and its like 5 times more perlite but also alot of small wood particles which i understand are the nutes later on. Would this be a better mix or not?

Disclaimer: I realize that any quality grow dirt is gonna take Scotts out behind the shed any day of the week, but If people can only get walmart dirt or something they may want to try this. I'll Pass though.


Active Member
This is really more of a question than a statement. But If One were to Dump a bag of Scotts, or any other homedepot walmart lowes bag of dirt, in a tub of water and sift it around til all Perlite and other flamboyant (spell ck) materials floated to the top, They would have a material with a higher % Perlite and it would be a better growing medium than the original mix...? I dunno . I sifted some out the other day just to see if it would work and its like 5 times more perlite but also alot of small wood particles which i understand are the nutes later on. Would this be a better mix or not?

Disclaimer: I realize that any quality grow dirt is gonna take Scotts out behind the shed any day of the week, but If people can only get walmart dirt or something they may want to try this. I'll Pass though.
lol youre wrong, thats just wood filler.
whut? I thought wood degraded to give off nutrients... But thats what happens when listen to people on here i guess. Hell if i know i dont use the stuff, unless by "stuff" u mean green. Hey thanks for posting though. I'm 1 of the 5 posts in ur year and half you've been here. Must have really needed to tell me how wrong i am huh? But if its filler then thats good because it doesn't eff with your npk throughout the grow right? you can control it urself. anyone else know a thing or two?


Well-Known Member
whut? I thought wood degraded to give off nutrients... But thats what happens when listen to people on here i guess. Hell if i know i dont use the stuff, unless by "stuff" u mean green. Hey thanks for posting though. I'm 1 of the 5 posts in ur year and half you've been here. Must have really needed to tell me how wrong i am huh? But if its filler then thats good because it doesn't eff with your npk throughout the grow right? you can control it urself. anyone else know a thing or two?
I wouldnt get all cocky like that, he told you the truth and that you were mistaken. you ask for help and then get all sarcastic when someone tries to help you? doesnt make sense to me.


Wood decomposes quite slowly, depending on specific type and soil microbe populations. And I can't say this for sure, but I doubt that Scotts soils would contain sufficient species/populations of these microorganisms. Especially if there are synthetic fertilizers present as these are typically harmful to the microbes and contribute to an environment that is much less than ideal for them to prosper.
It is mainly the fungi that does the majority of the decomposing (due to high lignin content), while the bacteria are mostly consuming the cellulose that remains. An organic source of nitrogen is also needed for these organisms to thrive.

But, if you just wanted more perlite in your mix the most logical solution would be to acquire a bag of it and add it in yourself. Your local Home-Depot or Lowes should have big 3.5 cubic foot bags of the stuff and it isn't expensive.


Well-Known Member
its like 5 times more perlite but also alot of small wood particles which i understand are the nutes later on. Would this be a better mix or not?
On the bag they call it ´forest product´ - read sawdust!!
But it´s OK as a substrate, it supports the roots and stores water. Just no real nutrition so you add your own - horse manure, wormcasts or whatever grabs your fancy. I also add perlite and crushed eggshell.
Yeah I like to make my soil too. Substrate, had to look that one up. so its not good on its own then... I dunno, I was just thinking up highdeas when i posted this. good to know though. Thanks