High Times Documents Michigan's Marijuana Legalization Movement


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High Times Documents Michigan’s Marijuana Legalization Movement
by Rick Thompson - Ending Marijuana Prohibition

High Times has recently expanded their coverage of marijuana-related events in Michigan and the March 2016 issue sports an article by the top man at the magazine. Editor-In-Chief Dan Skye came to Michigan and wrote about the push to legalize the adult use of marijuana- and why now it the time for change.

In Michigan’s March to Legalization, Skye describes the need for an evolution in the state’s marijuana laws. He explores Michigan’s history with asset forfeiture, interference by the state Attorney General and law enforcement encounters both old and new.

Very new. As in, 24 hours ago new.

Skye visited Michigan in September and photographed a cannabis garden. The very next day that same garden was raided by local and state authorities. Skye’s description of events is both engaging and frightening at the same time, but he writes that these actions are all-too-common in Michigan.

The article follows the evolution of marijuana distribution and cultivation in Michigan in a broad way since 2009. It covers the emergence of early distribution centers, including 3rd Coast Medical Marijuana Dispensary of Ypsilanti and the now-defunct Big Daddy’s organizations, and the formation of Michigan’s first dispensary organization, the MACC.

The High Times article incorporates some horror stories of how Michigan’s medical marijuana era has been marred by an upswing in arrests and cops drunk on asset forfeiture dollars. The numbers presented are shocking.

Skye ends the piece on a high note by discussing the current business climate and how some have managed to thrive. Distribution centers like 3rd Coast and Arborside of Ann Arbor are still able to make it if they have “tolerant city governments and local law enforcement.”

Skunkwerks, a Michigan company that makes nutrients for gardening, is featured. Company leader Josh Keasler gave possibly the article’s best quote when he said, “Since 2008, we’ve tried to operate professionally and move forward without clarification from our legislature, and we still don’t have it.”

Skye’s presentation gives the solution to the problem as the MILegalize movement. Described often as the state’s grass-roots marijuana legalization petition drive, MILegalize has collected over 200,000 signatures and looks to put the issue on the 2016 general election ballot.

MILegalize Board members Jamie Lowell and Rick Thompson (this author) are featured in the Skye article. Lowell described MILegalize fundraising and signature-gathering as “generous” and “terrifically successful.”

Keasler said, “I’m totally behind MILegalize, because the people of Michigan want this!”

Visit the High Times website at:


MILegalize is still paying for petition signatures. To contact the campaign, visit:

More Government Regulations, Taxations, and Arrests. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

People in Colorado are not arrested for Tax Evasion.
Teens in Washington State are about to be charged with Felony Possession.
Colorado's increase in Pot Minded Government, used nearly all but 50 Million in Taxes.
They have 24/7 Video and Audio Monitoring, and all "Captured Customers" are truly
Captured as they are on TV and Audio recordings sent directly to State Servers.
Seed to Jail Tracking anyone?

Michigan does not want to be Colorado or Washington.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because More LansingD.C. Creates More Criminals.
MiLegalize is Dead On Arrival. at 90 days over their original 180 day collection limit, they have utterly failed.

They have lost the first 90 days (1/2 of their 180 day campaign) and counting every day they are late.
They are today, losing as more sigs off the front of their campaign as they stall to draw support from Abrogate Prohibition Michigan as we use an Eraser, and eliminate the Ink on the Court Dockets and the Liars, err Attorneys will have to defend Actual Criminals.

The have around 100,000 signatures that are now stale. Remove that from the reported 240,000 they claim to have, only proves how Dead on Arrival they are. I Hear they are discussing 2018 because they know its dead. But they keep trying to get sigs to distract from Total and Real Repeal.

Thats what you get when the Fountainheads of the last 6 years are all Liars and Snakes, Err Attorneys and Out of State Funded ASA/MPP idiots.
I'm disappointed to hear MILegalize is struggling. How is the corporate backed MCC initiative doing?
Any idea how many signatures each have and will need to make the November ballot?

total is something like 253,000 valid signatures to get on the ballot.

mcc = has 120,000 sigs (need 140,000 more). afaik they have stopped petitioning. spokesman of mcc hasnt said anything in months. facebook page still active https://www.facebook.com/Michigan-Cannabis-Coalition-570989839671141/

milegalize = they were at 240,000 valid signatures on feb 18 (source http://www.milegalize.com/blog ) , so they should have the requisite number of signatures now, but they are collecting more in order to make sure they dont get disqualified with invalid sigs. there are questions of how they are going to proceed with old signatures. if they have to certify each signature via computer or what.

abrogate = last number i saw was 250 sheets turned in, which makes it roughly 2500 signatures in total. which means they need about 250,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot before june/july (3 months).

abrogate info is from timmah on march 10th- http://rollitup.org/t/abrogate-prohibition-michigan-2016.874730/page-6#post-12401906
although abrogate has printed out and distributed thousands of petition sheets in the MMMReport magazine. so more signatures are coming.