Highest Yielding Strain

the dragon killa

Active Member
What is the highest yielding strain that you have grown first hand? I am in Northern Cali and the only strain I have actually seen get 2 pounds per 1000W light is Blue Dream. I have heard of someone who got 3 lbs per light with Durban Poison, but I dont believe it. I have also read that Critical Mass and Big Bud are the highest yielders around.


New Member
Heath robinson got like 4 elbows off one plant indoors w/ vertical hydro and critical mass I beleive, I think only 2000W


Well-Known Member
You can increase your yield by vegging longer. I got 22 zips off of lemon skunk with a 2 week veg. My lemon skunk plants usually produce just a little less then my big bud plants.

The Potologist

Active Member
This is my Querkle X Vortex that I grew last year in a mix of Subcools Super Soil and Organic Compost. She netted 6lbs 2 oz total dry weight. I also had lab analysis and it came back with 17.91% THC. She was a little over 16 ft tall. I planted her next to a 22 ft Pine Tree. Enjoy...I still am a almost a year later bongsmilie:mrgreen:

Peace, Love and Happiness



Well-Known Member
Damn, that's a nice hedge you had going there. :)

This is my Querkle X Vortex that I grew last year in a mix of Subcools Super Soil and Organic Compost. She netted 6lbs 2 oz total dry weight. I also had lab analysis and it came back with 17.91% THC. She was a little over 16 ft tall. I planted her next to a 22 ft Pine Tree. Enjoy...I still am a almost a year later bongsmilie:mrgreen:

Peace, Love and Happiness

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
This is my Querkle X Vortex that I grew last year in a mix of Subcools Super Soil and Organic Compost. She netted 6lbs 2 oz total dry weight. I also had lab analysis and it came back with 17.91% THC. She was a little over 16 ft tall. I planted her next to a 22 ft Pine Tree. Enjoy...I still am a almost a year later bongsmilie:mrgreen:

Peace, Love and Happiness
Holy Crap thats beautiful

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
thats fucking superb man i had a cheese in my mums garden in uk went 8 ft tall the buds were absolutley massive cant believe the size of yours thats big

The Potologist

Active Member
Thank you all for your great comments and +rep's. Shes my cream of the crop. Certianly something of natures beauty that will put most in a trance of awe. By far the best smoke of my life. I am truely proud of her and mother nature.

For those who care to give it a whirl, that plants genetics are fully acessible. It is all TGA Subcool genetics that I just bred. I took a female of Querkle and pollenated it with a Male Vortex plant. I then took those beaners and grew them. Most stayed around 10-12 feet tall, but this one was the best of them all. Most of the other Querkle X Vortex landed, on average 3--4 lbs per plant outdoors in my organic garden :)

Lastly, if you do pollinate, I think you will be surprised at how many seeds you get. This breeding gave me a great harvest of seeds. Enough for a couple 3-4 years, and I usually grow about 100 or so plants each year outdoors :) Once again, thanks for all the nice comments! This bong is For all you guys !!! FIRE IN DA HOLE :)