
Active Member
I just posted this over at grasscity and icmag, and now i'm posting it here. As much of you know, highgrade seeds has been a big mystery to much of us who inquire about them. Whether they actually send out the seeds they advertise, I will never know as I'm not taking the chance of flushing my hard earned money down the toilet. What I can say is that their customer service SUCKS. Here are the emails I've had between myself and Highgrade.

From: HGS (info@highgrade-seeds)
Sent: Sun 6/22/08 3:52 AM
To: filber dilpep (hotboy265@hotmail)

If you can't read may I suggest you get a new pair of bifocals. If that doesn't work get another lobotomy. I sell seeds, not help for the brain dead.

You're a blithering idiot.


----- Original Message -----
From: filber dilpep
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:20 PM

lol.. ya know its funny you say that. Because I did check the whole site and no, my questions were not answered. And even if they were, I asked you to answer them, thats what customer service is about, but you obviously don't care. And as for it being my loss.. lol.. no i think not. It will be yours. You will lose the sales of myself and friends, along with everyone else who reads about you on the forums across the web. I might even have your site blacklisted on seedbankupdate along with a few others, so that no matter how many trolls you send out to post positive threads about your business, it will never offset the damage that will ensue to your reputation, and trust me, i've got the emails to prove it. Cheers.

From: info@highgrade-seeds
To: hotboy265@hotmail
Subject: Re: QUESTIONS
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 20:52:17 -0400

If you read the website all your questions would have been answered about shipping - it's all there..

As for not placing an order - that's you loss.

----- Original Message -----
From: filber dilpep
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:24 PM

I have, and that is why I'm asking. You don't go much into detail and only list regular, priority, and overnight. I'm assuming you're using the regular postal service of canada. So i guess what i've heard is true about your customer service being very poor. Its a shame I don't think i'll be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you. Nor will I be giving a good review of your site on any forum. Have a good day.

From: info@highgrade-seeds
To: hotboy265@hotmail
Subject: Re: QUESTIONS
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 02:41:22 -0400

Check our website for shipping options.

----- Original Message -----
From: filber dilpep
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:41 PM

I see and what about private shipping?

From: info@highgrade-seeds
To: hotboy265@hotmail
Subject: Re: QUESTIONS
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 19:16:37 -0400

Overnight shipping only available in Canada.

----- Original Message -----
From: filber dilpep
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 6:02 PM

I see. On your site you advertise different shipping options. Is the overnight shipping only available in canada? Also is there a private shipping company such as Fedex that can be used? I've had much better experience with private shipping as they are much more reliable.

From: info@highgrade-seeds
To: hotboy265@hotmail
Subject: Re: QUESTIONS
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 01:08:14 -0400

The presence of my seed bank on the internet with the great service and great prices I offer as well as unique strains I developed threatens the very existence of most other high priced and poorly run seed banks which have a vested interest in bad mouthing Highgrade Seeds. I know what I provide and no one else can touch that.


----- Original Message -----
From: filber dilpep
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:18 AM

Heyyy... whats up guys?? I found this post on a forum concerning your business at IC Mag:
"Lots of missing money, reports of seeds never sent, poor communication after they have your moneyect... I cant verify this but feel they plant good seed orders on various websites to off set numerous negative reports."

I'm sorry but this is very dissappointing, and if you guys are legit, its a shame that you have people working for you that cause this. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
That's fudged! Man don't trip tie your shoes and try another seed bank. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Where is the original message sent to hgs,the emails i see start with hgs responding to questions & saying they were stupid questions & calling you names.

It appears the original email is missing from your post.

I see now,you posted all emails backwards.

The more i read your post the more i see that somethings wrong here.

I run an ebay based business & if you'd of emailed me in the way you emailed him you'd have got the same response from me.

Its highly obvious your intent was to drag him into a fight right from the start,your very 1st email set him up,either he goes on the defensive & defends the accusations you threw at him ,for which your prepared to call him a liar,or he goes on the offensive because he see's right through your tactic & tells you that your an idiot,for which you post everywhere on earth that his customer service sucks.

I smell a rat,a rat who's only posts on this site involve seeds.
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Well-Known Member
I checked out the site and they are very straight forward about everything. All the points you ragged them about in your e-mails were answered on the site. You must be really brain dead and a blithering idiot. Go back to your crack pipe and leave the rest of us alone.


Well-Known Member
I have only ever placed once seed order and it was with this company.....I'm sure there are unhappy customers with any business, but my experience with them was good. From the day I shipped the money FedEx, till I received the seeds was 9 days. I thought that was pretty quick. They Emailed a confirmation when they received my payment and stated that the seeds would be shipped within 24hours with a tracking #. They did as they said they would for me. It was a good 1st experience for me. Prices were a little higher than some other sites but they say they will re-ship for free if the seeds get intercepted at customs. Seemed to be good insurance to me.



Well-Known Member
I checked out the site and they are very straight forward about everything. All the points you ragged them about in your e-mails were answered on the site. You must be really brain dead and a blithering idiot. Go back to your crack pipe and leave the rest of us alone.
Even if the answers are there that is not how you handle business... Actually if someone answered a question like that to me on THIS site about anything (especially if it were someone in a position of authority on the site) i would be pretty upset and not be inclined to have ANYTHING to do with that person let alone do ANY business with them...

I did not see answers to his question about using FedEx or UPS or another shipping other then standard government mail services... =[

To treat a potential customer like that is IDOTIC... =[

I would not do buisness with ANY company that recomends let alone REQUIRES payment with CASH sent in the mail...

That my friend is just asking to lose your money... =0

But if you support that kind of business i have a very beautiful bridge for sale that you might want to take a look at... =P

Some peoples children... =]


Well-Known Member
Even if the answers are there that is not how you handle business... Actually if someone answered a question like that to me on THIS site about anything (especially if it were someone in a position of authority on the site) i would be pretty upset and not be inclined to have ANYTHING to do with that person let alone do ANY business with them...

I did not see answers to his question about using FedEx or UPS or another shipping other then standard government mail services... =[

To treat a potential customer like that is IDOTIC... =[

I would not do buisness with ANY company that recomends let alone REQUIRES payment with CASH sent in the mail...

That my friend is just asking to lose your money... =0

But if you support that kind of business i have a very beautiful bridge for sale that you might want to take a look at... =P

Some peoples children... =]
Your missing the op's whole point,the point was not to get answers to questions,it was to argue,if the point of the emails were getting answers to him possibly buying seeds or him wondering about shipping options then why on earth does he not ask any questions about shipping,or buying seeds in his 1st email.

This guy started an arguement then very cleverly switched the order of the emails to make it look as if he was merely trying to figure out shipping,read the bottom email & look at the dates,the bottom email is the 1st emil to the seller,where was his intent to buy or question shipping methods ?

I call 100% bullshit on the op's part & ive never even heard of the seed bank in question,however ive been online long enough to spot shills & trolls,the op is one or the other & most likely fronting for his favorite seed bank.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe anybody is believing this shit,all it takes to see through this bullshit is to read the emails in their proper order,start at the very bottom of the op's post & read the 1st email,then continue upwards.

This guy is a troll,yes a troll,he did everything in his power to lure the seedbank guy into a fight,in his 1st email he accuses the man of being a thief under ther guise of personal concern,when his accusations are sensibly rebutted by the seller he switches gears,now he's a prospective buyer :roll:

And of course as a prospective buyer he has questions,questions that were answered on the web site or by the seller,when the seller very nicely let him know that he was not willing to play the game any longer the troll then says all the bad shit he hears about the seller must be true,if anybody in that email exchange was an idiot it was the op of this thread.

And to top that off,just because you own a business does not mean you have to put up with asshole troll fake customers or suck ass from tire kickers just to make a buck,serious buyers buy,tire kickers ask questions & trolls troll.

And a negative feedback to you mr troll,signed Panhead.
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Active Member
AHHH crap. I had a feeling this would happen. PANHEAD i figure you're a troll for HIGHGRADE ehh?? LOL well anyway I will post the first two messages from this email which i left out purposely, as i didn't think they were important. I was not trying to start an argument with HIGHGRADE, please keep this in mind. Thank you. For the others with negative feedback in this thread, please, get your heads out of your asses, I'm only trying to help. But if you think i'm so full of shit, then why don't you order from this company and see how well things go??? For the others with a brain, check seedbankupdate.com for any inquiries to reliable seedbanks, don't take my word or anyone else's.

From: info@highgrade-seeds.com
> To: hotboy265@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: QUESTIONS
> Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 11:50:46 -0400
> Zombie Black is a "sister" strain of Malawi Gold, Africa's most potent and
> psychoactive marijuana plant.
> :-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert" <hotboy265@hotmail.com>
> To: <info@highgrade-seeds.com>
> Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:24 AM
> Subject: QUESTIONS
> > Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> > Robert (hotboy265@hotmail.com) on Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 01:24:49
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > email: hotboy265@hotmail.com
> >
> > referer: Friend
> >
> > comments: I will be purchasing Black Queen seeds, but would like more
> > information regarding the "zombie black" parent of this strain. I've never
> > heard of it.


Active Member
I cant believe anybody is believing this shit,all it takes to see through this bullshit is to read the emails in their proper order,start at the very bottom of the op's post & read the 1st email,then continue upwards.

This guy is a troll,yes a troll,he did everything in his power to lure the seedbank guy into a fight,in his 1st email he accuses the man of being a thief under ther guise of personal concern,when his accusations are sensibly rebutted by the seller he switches gears,now he's a prospective buyer :roll:

And of course as a prospective buyer he has questions,questions that were answered on the web site or by the seller,when the seller very nicely let him know that he was not willing to play the game any longer the troll then says all the bad shit he hears about the seller must be true,if anybody in that email exchange was an idiot it was the op of this thread.

And to top that off,just because you own a business does not mean you have to put up with asshole troll fake customers or suck ass from tire kickers just to make a buck,serious buyers buy,tire kickers ask questions & trolls troll.

And a negative feedback to you mr troll,signed Panhead.

PANHEAD.. LOL.. you crack me up, really.


Well-Known Member
why did you say this?

"I have, and that is why I'm asking. You don't go much into detail and only list regular, priority, and overnight. I'm assuming you're using the regular postal service of canada. So i guess what i've heard is true about your customer service being very poor. Its a shame I don't think i'll be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you. Nor will I be giving a good review of your site on any forum. Have a good day."

he was politely answering ALL your questions.


Active Member
why did you say this?

"I have, and that is why I'm asking. You don't go much into detail and only list regular, priority, and overnight. I'm assuming you're using the regular postal service of canada. So i guess what i've heard is true about your customer service being very poor. Its a shame I don't think i'll be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you. Nor will I be giving a good review of your site on any forum. Have a good day."

he was politely answering ALL your questions.

Well, no, he was not answering my questions, please read more carefully.


Well-Known Member
Assuming there arent more missing emails lets take what your saying at face value & focus on the questions you had.

Saturday may 24th.

Question #1 ,i want information regarding Zombie Black.

Answer #1, Zombie Black is a sister strain of Malawi Gold,africxas most potent psychoactive mj plant.

Question #1 asked & answered..............................................

Saturday june 7th,Two full weeks later.

Question #2,Hey,whats up guys ??? i found this post on a forum concerning your business at IC MAG,lots of missing money,seeds never sent,poor communication after they have sent their money ect,i cant verify this but feel they plant good seed orders on various sites to offset numerous negative reports.

Im sorry but this is very dissapointing,and if you guys are legit,its a shame that you have people working for you that cause this,just my thoughts.

This wasnt even a question,by your own words it was "just your thoughts",lets treat it as a legit question anyways.

Answer #2,the presence of my seedbank on the internet,with the great service & great prices i offer as well as the unique strains i developed threatens the very existince of most other high priced & poorly run seedbanks which have a vested interest in bad mouthing high grade seeds,i know what i provide & no one else can touch that.

Question #2 asked & answered.............................................

You've allready told this man that your "dissapointed" with what you've read in a forum about his business yet you have more questions,this time your questions are about shipping,shipping questions to a company you've allready expressed "dissapointment" in.

Friday june 20th,another full 2 weeks later.

Question #3,i see on your site you advertise different shipping options,is the overnight shipping option only available in canada ?,also is there a private shgipping company such as fedex that can be used,ive had much better experience with private shipping as they are much more reliable.

Answer #3,overnight shipping available only in canada.

Question #3 asked & answered...............................................

There will be no 2 week delay from you this time,you respond quickly & pick up on private shipping.

Question #4, I see & what about private shipping.

Answer #4, Check our web site for shipping options.

Question $4 asked & answered,your not finished with him yer though........

Your response to answer #4,i have and thats why im asking,you dont go into much detail & only list regular,priority & overnight,(Duh:dunce:),Im assuming your using the regular postal service of canada.So i guess what ive heard is true about your customer service being very poor,its a shame,i dont think il;l be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you.Nor will i be giving a good review of your site on any forum.Have a good day.

Now for the best part,after you've wasted A FULL MONTHof this mans time with silly questions & an obvious lack of intent to buy anything,insulted him repeatedly & told him you plan on tearing him up on the forums he still responds to the daggers you've thrown at him ,& nicely i might add.

His Response to your scathing & accusing email to him.

If you've read the web site all your questions would have been answered about shipping - its all there.
As for not placing an order - thats your loss......................................

Up to this point this man has been extremely helpfull, with prompt responses to your insulting line of questioning, But your not done with him yet,you need real dirty shit to post on ALL THE FORUMS so now you drag him into a full blown arguement.

Here is Your rebuttal to the polite response he gave you.

Lol,its funny you say thatbecause i did check the whole site & no,my questions were not answered,And even if the were i asked YOU to answer them,thats what customer service is all about,but you obviously dont care.And as for it being my loss..lol...no i think not..It will be yours.You will lose the sales of myself & my friends,along with every one else who reads about you on the forums across the web,I might even have your site black listed on seedbankupdate along with a few others,so that no matter how many trolls you send out to post positive threads about your business,it will never offset the damage that will ensue to your reputation ,and trust me,ive got the emails to prove it.Cheers.

At this point your intent is crystal clear to all but the pimplyest faced teenagers who are new to internet forums,from the onset you had no intent on buying anything,you were on a fishing expidetion looking for the smallest of details to catch this man up on,your intent was in your own words to cause irreparible harm to this mans business.

Do you really care to continue this farce of yours ?,here on this site !,if you do i'll tear you to shreds,troll.

I was going to place an order with DR Cronic some time this week as the DR came through for me on my last order but after all this trolling & scheming on your part im gonna order from HGS,i shit you not ,then i'll take pics of whatever comes in the mail,skipping any addresses or stealth details of course.All this plotting & shilling makes me think HGS is doing something 100% right & thats pissing others off.
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Well-Known Member
Ive read through the website and it all seems "to be there "... I have my own seeds , and a good friend hooked me up with a great batch... so I would not be buying any but If I needed them I would try em out .