Highgrove Lighting News - Lower Prices, More Features


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU,

Changes to our lineup are afoot. All lights are waterproof and now include optional remote driver mounting cables. This helps in cases of heat issues and also where there is a small amount of vertical height available.

We offer a 5 year warranty - and all lights are in stock and ready to ship.

We are not running a Croptober nor Black Friday sale - instead we have recently lowered our prices. Please also remember that the 'RIU10' code will also save 10% on any purchase.

And if you plan on running at 240V instead of 120V let us know - there is no extra charge for 240V power.

Using a Trol Master or AC Infinity controller? We can customize your light to work with any brand controller at no additional charge.

Any questions - always feel free to contact us at sales@highgrovelighting.com.

Thank you as always for your support.
