Highlife Seedbank first order successful, Cougar Piss, Ambulance, Strawberry Banana


Well-Known Member
Was skeptical of Highlife Seedbank because they have stock on strains that are out everywhere else. So I took the plunge and ordered RD Cougar Piss, 303 Ambulance, and decided to try RP Strawberry Banana. They made it 13 days after ordering. Plus 10 extra WW x Great White Shark. Don't really give a fugg about the freebies, but you never know. Jay at Highlife was helpful and kept me posted, plus they have guaranteed stealth delivery. Anyway, hope this helps someone...be safe.
The "guarantee" is only good if they honor it. I've had a pack sitting in Chicago from them since November 8'th, and I still don't have the replacement.

Not much of a guarantee if you ask me.
Hey Stow,
I suppose that does suck my fren. Try to contact them again and see if that works. I have only dealt with them once and they were good, but ordering seeds can be tricky. Especially since most come from out of country, not like we can drive to their shop and speak face to face. Hope you get your order...what did you order? Take care and be safe.