Hmm... first time grower needs help..


Active Member
Hey everyone... just registered but I'm sure you'll see lots of me.. I'm about 3-4 weeks from harvest and in the last week or so the leaves on the top of the plants are starting to look a little strange, it's a hydro grow with the lucas formula for nutrients and any help i can get would be nice.. so for the blurry pics seems i couldn't get one in focus...

thanks again


New Member
hey sith. welcome.

from what i've seen, this looks normal. it didn't happen to my plants but many strains have yellowing of the leaves very close to harvest. as i understand it, nitrogen is moving from the leaves to the flowering sites. loss of nitrogen = yellow leaves. there is no need to replace the N, just keep doing what your doing.

i hope someone else comments to verify this. i don't think you have anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
I really cant tell from the pics if burned. but if its a few weeks from harvest I wouldnt worry. Yes closet is correct they will begin to turn yellow giving all the wonderful juices and nutes to the buds.

great first grow. hope all goes well.


Active Member
I though it was obvious but for the record those pics can be clicked for hi-res version.. its yellowing, but with burn-like speckles.. pic # three is best.. thanks for the replies guys..when would you recommend leeching start?



Well-Known Member
if its really making you nervouse and think its a nute burn flush them and flush them well. but i can honestly say dont worry if you using nutes stop if you are weeks from harvest give them 1 more nute then stop.

I really think most the yellowing u see is natural but it does look like some nute burn.

you are close to harvest soon dont worry i would just use water no nutes. hope this all helps

Im no pro just giving advice from my own personal expeirence.

I hope this helped. just use water leave her alone! it looks great. nice first grow


Active Member
hey hey.. back with an update.. give me some tips, comments and suggestions.. also my small space is at 84 degrees F and 40% RH with champagne yeast CO2 addition still no signs of amber trichomes so i haven't started flushing.. take a look.. is burning/yellowing of the leaves normal.. pic take'n under an hps so the color is way off.. the weirdness on the leaves is yellow/green in color.. let me know.



Well-Known Member
I think thats just a sign of the leaves letting the buds use up the nutes like the other guys were saying.....

I dont think 84 is too hot, but who knows maybe thats playing a small part too?? Youve got them this far though so I doubt that is the issue.


Active Member
Hi.. I bought a new temp/RH gauge and last night the max temp recorded was 101.5 degrees F and RH 69% is this in the deadly range? will more fans bring the temp down?

what to do..



Active Member
bump... will 100 Degrees F kill my plants? do more fans reduce temps or just move air around?



Active Member
cool thanks bro.. can you offer any advice on how to bring temps down in a closet with little to no ventilation? .. thanks again.. for a first grow i'm going to be pleased by the yield.. but its the smoke i'm after.. where i live its hard to get good green.. we'll see in a week er so..



Active Member
but that needs to vent to the outside... i don't have access.. thanks tho.. harvest soon.. we'll see
