Holy Fertilizer + Distilled H2o = 5.5 ph? HELP?!?!?!


New Member
Let me start off by saying im a total newbie to this hobby :) so no harsh language of insults or hijking the thread.

My Dark Devil plant is 3 weeks old about 7 inches tall. I transfer it to a 3 gallon pot with fox farm soil and watered good about 6 days ago. I haven't feed/ fertilized the plant yet so I thought I use micro grow 20-10-20. The instruction call for 1 tablespoon for 1 gallon instead I used 1-1/2 teaspoon for 1 gallon. Just for shit and giggles I checked the ph level and it was 5.5? From what I've read about ph and plants my gut tells me I shouldn't give it to my plant? Am I right not to give it to my baby? Do all fertalizers lower or rise the ph? Any advise or words of wisdom???


Well-Known Member
Don't give any nutrients to your plant for at least a month or more. The soil you are using has plenty of good stuff in there:)


Well-Known Member
I run FFOF amended soil and I don't feed them nutes until week 6-7. if the leaves don't show you their hungry, water only. this is my 2nd cycle.


Well-Known Member
Fert will usually lower the pH of your water as you are seeing. Either use some pH up to bring it up to 6, or dont since you are using soil and it should buffer the water. You can also just get dome dolomite lime and do a top dressing of your soil which will help buffer your soil and also adds some cal/mag. I do a couple tbsp every 4 weeks mixed into the top inch or two of soil.

As to the other comments on not feeding your plant yet. This depends heavily on your soil and strain. I like sativa dominant plants which have more of a tendency to be heavy feeders so I will feed after a couple of weeks, you just need to go by what the leaves of the plant are doing. There are a bunch of guides that help you identify deficiencies, or you can get a book that should include this info and is a great way to pass the time while your lights are off :)