Holy wattage!


Well-Known Member

heres the situation
my power source comes from the outside of my house,
right next to where the city comes to look at your hydro and shit,
so i got a nice as plug , haha just a regular plug i guess.

im running 400w hps
130w of cfls
90 cfm shit fan

unfortunately do to my set up, when my lights are off it means i have the same temperature as mother nature...i live in canada...right now -25 ... shit...
but to fix that problem i got myself an electric heater, which has 2 settings
750 watts and 1500w.

so to finely get to my quizestion, can i run 2300watts off of a regular household outlet.

You should be able to.But i would hate to see that bill for using that heater..I rather use a 1000 watt lamp instead at least my plants will benefit with that in more than1 way


Active Member
I think the capacity has to do with Amps. 750W is a lot on top of your lights nevermind the 1500W setting but I think its possible. Check the Amps your using. A typical household breaker is like 15Amps I believe. So you have to stay under that. Try to run everything...I think the worst thing you can do is trip the breaker or blow a fuse.
I think the capacity has to do with Amps. 750W is a lot on top of your lights nevermind the 1500W setting but I think its possible. Check the Amps your using. A typical household breaker is like 15Amps I believe. So you have to stay under that. Try to run everything...I think the worst thing you can do is trip the breaker or blow a fuse.
Yeah and too much of that then you have a problem

XS Brain

Active Member

heres the situation
my power source comes from the outside of my house,
right next to where the city comes to look at your hydro and shit,
so i got a nice as plug , haha just a regular plug i guess.

im running 400w hps
130w of cfls
90 cfm shit fan

unfortunately do to my set up, when my lights are off it means i have the same temperature as mother nature...i live in canada...right now -25 ... shit...
but to fix that problem i got myself an electric heater, which has 2 settings
750 watts and 1500w.

so to finely get to my quizestion, can i run 2300watts off of a regular household outlet.

you can but its not recommended even with a 20 amp breaker. The reason is that at 120 volts (which is ideal maybe not what u get) you can run 2400 max. but in reality you only want to run 80% of that to keep everything safe from overheating which can wear out the wire insulation over time resulting in a fire hazard. So in reality yes, but its not recommended.


New Member
If I had to use a 1000watt heater I would grow lowryders and put up with the abuse I'd get from the other growers.


Well-Known Member
when the lights are on,they supply enough heat for everything so why not set the heater to a timer to run opposite the lights?
& if the 400 and 130 watts of CFL is enough to heat the area,750 watts of heater should do at least as good a job.


Active Member
ever thought about running your lights at night? im assuming that your night temps are lower then daytime temps.
one big downside about this is you cant view your plants during your day.
IMO i would use a single propane burner. definetly cheaper then a 750w heater and it provides co2. be sure to have good ventilation and NO FLAMMABLE MATERIAL near your burner :P
as mentioned before, insulation is key.
hope you save power :D

Il Cuoco

I'm not from canada but i'm in the pretty same conditions: i grow in an attic, and in winter the temp drops down at 24 degrees farenheit.

The solution:

During the day the 400w hps keeps the room warm enough at 80 degrees... and when it turns off, the same timer it's plugged to turns on a 650w heating fan...

And it's ok for me...