Home depot or Lowes


Active Member
What ferts can u get at hese stores to make a good first grow. in stead of going online or to nursery. Just checking.


Well-Known Member
well a lot of folks will tell ya to stay away from miracle grow for starters and that is mostly what your gonna find at lowes or HD

But here is what matters and what ya wana look for,

for veg an NPK ratio of 1-1-1 (can be 5-5-5 or 10-10-10)

I use a 20-20-20 from a nursery

for flower an NPK ratio of 1-3-2

Mine is 10-30-20

Hope that helps


Active Member
If you want organic...Both stores have Espoma "Plant Tone"...All purpose. The numbers are 5-3-3...There is kelp,cow manure,fish,alfalfa,bone,blood etc...All primary,secondary,and trace minerals.Use every 6 weeks...8 lbs $10