home made lightmover.


New Member
okay i have schematics. now i need to build a proto type and copyright it so i can sell those mugs :)
i had a picture of the design put up but i decided that id wait till it got patented before i showed it to everyone:?
Damn it. I almost got a peak at the top secret designs.

Does it involve gerbils or maybe groundhogs for a 1000Wer powering it by harnessing the power of their little exercise wheel. Like every time they get to one side of the room a treat drops into their cage and then when they run enough to get back to the other side of the room another treat falls into their cage. The cool part is that the groundhog urine and feces drops through the cage and acts as an organic fertilizer for the plant? I pretty sure that is the design so whatever. Go get a patent.
So are you going to post how to make a home made light mover?

i may eventually. I have another design that I am thinking about giving up to users but i dunno about giving up this one.....I can make some money with that one because its relatively easy to build.