
I wanna grow at home. Yes i do live with my pearents. But my dad has had plants growing in the back yard on an off for a while now, and he smokes every day. I also think my mother has realised that i like to smoke sometimes. Now at this point i just want infomration on if it is possible, how and the like. Even though my father grows/has grown, if mother or father were to find out i dont think it would go down all that well. Oh by the way. I have no idea what the fuck im doing i am a newbie. So this is just for info at this point in time.



Well-Known Member
good god son! ok do you have an area picked out? if so whats the space and what equipment r u going to use? if your gonna grow for some smoke than do it right so at least your smokin some dank buds.


Well-Known Member
check the tutorials or read through a couple grow journals to get ideas for your own use, you'll need a light(or a few depending on light type) a fan (oscillating if no intake or output for clean air to come in and filtered air(carbon filter/scrubber) this will keep your temps at a manageable level if using cfls in a compact closet(mine is a closet grow) but with an hps or the like you will need some way to get the heat out. next choice is your grow medium(soil( good soil mixed with perlite and peat moss(some more seasoned growers can grow in pretty near anything), hydro{DWC, ebb & flow, etc..) then you need seeds or clones and your off to the races till u need nutes, and if ur ol man grows in the back yard there is bound to be nutes around somewhere, oh and if you choose to use CFL lights check out the CFL growing section


Well-Known Member
ya really bud, i would recommend just reading for now, hopping in and doing your first post as 'please gimme some answers i am a newb' doesn't tend to get many responses around here. i read this site religiously every morning after work reading every tut and journal i could get my hands on BEFORE i even created my account haha

doe some research, come up with some of your own ideas, then, when you have at least a tentative plan, throw it on a thread and see what the pros think. this is just me though, and i am not your average forum troll (not implying you are).