Homecoming Dance


What thing would be best to take before a dance that will let you be yourself, but in control at the same time and undetectable through breath and smell and shit? Thanks all:hug:


Active Member
MDMA would be cool, but at the same time not so much because its a school dance :p
Maybe just smoke some pot?


bud bootlegger
i like to smoke a few rocks before a dance.. lets me get nice and loose, yet allows me to be myself at the same time.. :)


Well, it cant take me away from me lol, i am going to be with girl friend and she doesnt like drugs or alcohol so it has to allow me to completely (or almost completely) control myself when i need too and i dont think e will let me do that lmao


Active Member
Well you are yourself on E, you just go with the flow lmao.
And it would kinda be obvious because your pupils would be massive.

Marijuana seems like the only drug that leaves little to visible trace as to whether your under the influence, just remember eye drops.


i started cracking up imagining me on e with huge eyes during a dance and acting like no one notices when everyone is really staring at me lmao, ill probably just have like half a tab of e


Well-Known Member
You're supposed to be too gangsta for homecoming.

Skip the dance, straight to partying =P

(I'm just kidding...... it really depends on your tolerance to certain substances.... I'd eat .5g of MDMA and no one would know...... others take 100mg and it's obvious as fuck)

just kidding again....... everyone would know...... but I wouldn't care =)


Active Member
Yeah I rolled in a casino and I was still peaking when the manager came in and told us to leave. Wonder what he thought lmao.
But I had taken 2 E's so I like saw him, and didn't really care until he looked at me all intense and then I just left haha.

a half sounds good.


okay so let me get this straight (my apologizes if i am converting wrong but i dont think i am). You claim to eat .5 g of MDMA which will not be as obvious as 100mg when .5 of a gram is 500mg right? if i am righttttt, thats some funny shit. if not then my bad lol


Well-Known Member
No I was saying if I eat .5 it's less obvious as most people when they eat .1

Basically, I did waaaay too much of the shit when I was a teen.

But it was also a joke. It's always obvious if someone is rolling their tits off.

For homecoming, I recommend just sneaking a few shots here and there, and smoking some bud. If you care about the girl, then you don't want to get caught slippin on a day that's pretty important to teenage girls..... for us guys, it's about pussy n drugs...... for them it's about some romantic crap. =P


Okay lol ;) i was kinda hoping that something else other than marijuana, ecstasy, alcohol, or one of the main brand drugs would come up because all of those are distinguishable and do not have the desired effects i want :(((


By "if you care about the girl, then you dont want to get caught slippin on a day that's pretty important to teenage girls" not to do anything? because that sort of seems like the best thing at this point lol.


Well-Known Member
Okay lol ;) i was kinda hoping that something else other than marijuana, ecstasy, alcohol, or one of the main brand drugs would come up because all of those are distinguishable and do not have the desired effects i want :(((
I would take painkillers, the only real way to tell is they make my face red and my pupils really small.


Active Member
Like other people said, maybe just do a few shots and smoke a couple bowls before the dance. You don't wanna be trippin or rolling at the dance. You wouldn't even be able to enjoy your high dude, cause you'd be paranoid the whole time about your gf or teachers noticing. God forbid they DO notice, that'll fuck your whole night up. Just wait til after the dance, go home and get fucked up haha. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Well you are yourself on E, you just go with the flow lmao.
And it would kinda be obvious because your pupils would be massive.

Marijuana seems like the only drug that leaves little to visible trace as to whether your under the influence, just remember eye drops.
Not to mention your jaw would be swinging/chattering like mad haha.

How about some Cocaine?


a few shots wins lol, how many shots will it take to get me more open (NOT crazy and wobbling and shit lmao). i am 6' and 140 lbs.