Homemade Aero System Update - Fifth Week of Flower


Active Member
Just wanted to give everyone an update on my little garden. I'm almost finished with my fifth week of flower, and I've got to say we're looking good. The only problem I'm running into, is that my clones in my aerogarden are growing TOO FAST!!! I hope I can leave them in there another two weeks so I can finish flowering this AK-47. Unfortunately I'm going to have to pull that AK at the end of week 7 instead of letting it go 8, so I can make sure I keep my clones alive and make sure I can have my small sea of green stable. I'm going to have to upgrade to a bigger system soon I think. Thanks for looking!



Elite Rolling Society
I'd say you are three weeks away from really being ready for HARVEST.
Try bending them over, even if you have to tie them over.


Active Member
Yeah if I let them go 3 more weeks from this sunday, that's going to put it right at 8 weeks. I'm going to try and hold off on harvesting it a week early, I just worry about my clones as they are huge and need to flower. I've got to get my timing down better. This is my first SOG so I'm just learning the ropes on when to take cuttings. I'm going to try tying some of the branches down though. Thanks for your help!