Homemade Biostimulant/Fertilizer ? Blind Luck ?


Well-Known Member
I use my Garlic + Louisiana Hot Sauce + a lot of Water concoction to drink as an elixer and I also massage my feet with very diluted Garlic Powder + Louisiana Hot Sauce + Alot of Water .

I have thinking about whether garlic or the hot sauce active ingredient could be used as a stimulant/Fertilizer , I had tried it as a foliar spray on my plants and to feed the roots and I burned the roots . That experiment was a few months ago .

I did another experiment this afternoon with a much more diluted version of my Garlic Powder + Louisianna Hot Sauce + A lot of water so that I would not burn the roots of the plants .

All of a sudden my Wildflower that looks like a MIlkweed + my Sunflower leaves grew a lot and the leaves got wider also .

The next thing I did was a search on google whether Garlic could be used as a biostimulant on plants .

I found results on my search that they are testing and using Aqueous Garlic Solution as a Biostimulant on plants ,

I am not sure if the active ingredient in Louisianna Hot sauce acts as a Biostimulant , I will search that later .

Here are 3 pictures ,

1 The search results on google
2 The Milkweed looking plant
3 The Sun Flower

The two different plant leaves grew wider quite in 2 hours time .

Screenshot 2021-03-27 at 9.04.31 PM.pngGarlicplushotsaucediluted1.jpg

It seems experimenting with making stimulants on plants that are also stimulants on humans from plants has the key being to make it very dilluted and then to let the garlic and hot sauce sink to the bottom of the cup and dip a wad of tissue paper into the top of the almost clear liquid and then squeeze the liquid onto the leaves and over the root near the plant ; and to make the solution very dilluted with water so that the plant tissues of the leaves and the roots won't get burned .

I massaged the liquid drops on the leaves so that some of the liquid was distributed onto the entire leafs . If I had some Yucca perhaps the liquid would not have beaded up . i think plants have a cuticle which makes many house plants shine and behaves liked a thin wax layer . I guess Yucca helps foliar applications not to bead up but to penetrate the cuticle somewhat and not bead up .

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Biostimulant and or Fertilizer ?
Very weak solution of Garlic Powder , Louisianna Hot Sauce and Water .


Biostimulant-Fertilizer Day 2.jpgMilkweedBiostimulantDay2 (1).jpgSunflowerBiostimulantDay2.jpg
FlowerBiostimulantDay2 (1).jpg

Squeezing a couple of drops of weak biostimulant from dunked tissue paper filled with the liquid biostimulant , onto the very top node , seems to have caused the next set of leaves on the top of my smaller sunflower plant , This is not the sunflower shown in the previous post . This is a smaller sunflower not shown in the previous post .

The new set of leaves appeared two days after applying several times the first day , a few drops during the first day period .
( Warning ; planting most sunflower near another plant does not fare well for the other plant , Most plants near a sunflower will die or remain a runt for life . Some sunflowers can be planted near other plants . You can find out which sunflowers are safe to plant in your garden on the internet if you know exactly which variety of sunflower seed or seedling you have ; because sunflowers are bee attractors , if you have plants that you want pollinated , )

Here is my smaller sunflower

BioSproutNextSetofLeaves (1).jpg

Here is my 100 watt garden . Finally figured out I had to elevate my spouts and young seedlings close to my LED sticks , for them to thrive and grow . If you look at the rear center of the garden you can see my bigger plants which can grow all the way up as high as 18 inch , to where my 3 foot wide flourescant bulb at the top of the picture is.

100WattGarden (1).jpg

The flourescant lamp is probably 40 Watts and there are 6 , 10 Watt sticks = a total of 100 Watts for the whole garden with a capacity to grow as high as 18 inches at the rear center of the garden up to the 3 foot flourescant light .

I also have a fairly large floor model telescopic upward ; rotating fan ( that I don't rotate ; I leave the fan speed on low 25 hours a day ) . The fan says 60 Wattes , but since I am running it on speed 1 ( 3 is top speed ) I guess I am only using 15 Watts from the fan . I guess the total power useage then is 100 Watts plus 15 Watts = 115 Watts .

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Good Links ; covers many aspects of Biostimulants .

1. ) "https://greeneden.co/what-are-biostimulants-plant-benefits/"
2. ) "https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/t...ey-benefit-your-crops-part-1humic-substances/"
3. ) "https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/t...rops-part-2-vitamins-amino-acids-and-seaweed/"

4. )
"The most common plant extract used in biostimulants is from kelp, but others include soy protein hydrolysate, willow bark extract, stinging nettle extract, Yucca extract, and aloe extract."

" https://marronebio.com/a-stimulating-look-at-plant-biostimulants/ "

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Small Sunflower Day 3 Biostimulant on top to promote next set of leaves .

Image one ; two days after started putting drops of diluted DIY Biostimulant on top node to promote next set of leaves to begin sooner

BioSproutNextSetofLeaves (1).jpg

Picture 2 : two days after the picture 1 ; continueing applying DIY Biostimulant drops on top node .
new node leaves are bigger and sunflower fan leaves below the top node and wider and longer at this point ,
SmallSunflowerBioday3 (1).jpg

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A new perspective on my experiment with DIY one Biostimulant ;

I have been applyying my very diluted home made garlic powder , louisianna hot sauce , stirred in a generous portion of water . After stirring I let it sit for about 1 or 2 or 3 hours until the portion that do not dissolve as an almost clear aqueous solution . I then take a tissue portion and dunk the tissue wad into top of the solution that has set for a few hours . I then drip the solution ( garlic is a biostimulant according to google ; I add a small portion of louisianna hot sauce because it stimulate me ) .

So the way I use it is to massage the leaves on my Sunflower plants . This keeps my leaves very healthy and I have not so far got any fungus or bacteria or molds on my leaves , I then drip drops of the solution on the very top where the next set of leaves are to appear ( sunflowers do not have side branches like cannabis does ) . This solution speeds up the time for the next set of leaves that appear at the top . Massaging the leaves not only keep my leaves healthy , this also causes the leaves to grow wider and longer ( one of the things in garlic and louisianna hot sauce are several vitamins and there are several vitamins contained in the solution , like B vitamins and vitamin C , just to name a few .

So now let me say what observation I have experimented with , The plants seemed to alternate the application of the biostimulant solution with application of water , Because my sunflower leaves are now resistant to mold and bacteria and viruese , I can apply water and even massage water into the leaves and apply drops of water to the very top node , I can do this without worrying about bacteria or mold or viruses because the plant leaves are now resistant to diseases . However the plants seem to grow faster by alternative applying biostimulant one day , and water the next day ( alternating day to day ) .

The idea is that , if I can keep my leaves healthy and without disease , and at the same time make it grow faster and larger , then my plant can live longer due to having large healthy leave that do not get disease .

If you are interested in doing these types of experiments with diluted Biostimulants , you can try it on a plant that has leaves like sunflowers or pepper plants . My peppers plant like the application of water to the leaves on alternate days like my Sunflowers do .

Remember to stir and let the solution settle to the bottom , because google says that it is the garlic aqueous solution that people are currently using on farm crops . By only using the solution at the top of the cup , you are using the solution that is almost clear , and in theory this is where the most water soluable part of the solution exists .

After using the top third of the cups solution , add water so that the solution reaches the top again , stir and let settle for a few hours again . You do not want to dunk the tissue into the lower portion of the solution where the garlic powder and louisianna sauce has settled to the bottom , because this settled ingredients in the bottom of the cup will burn leaves and roots .

The other good thing about Biostimulants is that with some biostimulants , the plants become salt resistant and drought resistant and resistant to soils that have been over water , which means that some biostimulants become resistant to aneorobic bad bacteria that grows in a low oxygen root zone . This means that I can water less in my coco and my plant can handle the drying out process of the soil , because at this point my sunflowers are resistant to drought condition and resistant to salt stress , which so far means I do not have to flush ever , ( so far ) . I also have to add nutes less because biostimulants are usually chelates which make the plant uptake more things like calcium and many other things like micronutrients like copper and manganese .

I will continue to add posts to this thread .

Biostimulant and or Fertilizer ?
Very weak solution of Garlic Powder , Louisianna Hot Sauce and Water .


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My Bigger Sunflower has been received foliar treatments with DIY biostimulant and using less nutrients and less water now that the plant shown below is probably has a good root structure filling the pot , Using fess water , but more frequent watering ; Kind of like old house plants that are root bound need more frequient waterings .

Next is my Bigger Sunflower that I have been applying foliar ; mix garlic powder with water and a touch of Louisiana hot sauce . The hot sauce grabs the garlic powder in the water and forces the galic to sink to the bottom . What is left at the top of the glass where the almost clear liquid is ; this in the water soluble ingredients in the garlic powder . I call this Aqueous Garlic solution . I am assuming the clear fluid at the top of the solution contains the good stuff that are biostimulants . I guess this because if you apply on the plant the red and beige stuff on the bottom , that stuff will damage your leaves and roots and probably will kill your plant .

Here is my picture of my plant that has been treated with the clear garlic powder liquid at the top of the cup and the plant has very large leaves and develops new nodes at the top quicker . So far this is the best plant I have grown . It is better probably a combination of using a biostimulant and better most intelligent use of nutrient and watering .

MyBigSunflowerBioStimulant (1).jpg

Two More Pictures ; probably root bound ; Unknown plant names that came from a Wildflower pack of 50,000 seeds .

PerhapsMilkweed (1).jpg
Unkownplant (1) (1).jpg


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Garden Update
Flourescent burned out ( 40 Watts ) . Now Garden is only ( 115W - 40W ) = 75 Watt .
The Garden is growing just as good i guess because my LED's don't care that the 40 Watt flourescant is gone .

The pics in the previous post is from April 4th .
Here are pics now , April 30th .

