Hoochies (meatbreath x hooligans)


Well-Known Member
i wanted to start a thread, one in which i would actually keep up with to some degree. see i am bad at posting as far as projects go but i will keep up with what is going on in my garden. as far as this cross goes. really i just want to get better and better at this and so far with what i got i have learned i want to go in with this cross bc i feel that i have everthing i need to crush it from what i know now and have been through. i have posted on my board what i have done up until today with this cross. as well43FB9936-0A78-4B85-868C-0B1A292B2627.jpeg

breeder-savage genetic (freebie)x6 seeds
parents-meatbreath x hooligans
(meatloaf x mendobreath) x (runtz x gdp)
i got these here seeds and i had to order 2 packs of seeds to get the freebie and i dm savage and he assured me that bigdaddyvvs cut of meatbreath was used for this cross hella cised to run this i tucked 6 away and i popped 6
Today I took the bags off the tops of them and have yet to go home and see what they are I haven’t put seeds under lights like this as of yet D7208DE9-9EB6-4094-A85D-0D9A508EA8FA.jpeg(hlg 600 v2) and actually seen the last of the 5 seed trying to com above ground this am as well but. 6 th seed has yet to pop

P.s.- plant in back is getting culled both of them
Just to be trans parent this is what has been going on leading up to popping the seeds B7B83486-B0F7-4BA4-A56D-1D6F9F3FC2AC.jpegand now they are sitting under the hlg v2 600 roughly about 36-38 inches on about 50% I’m not spraying them w water but lightly lightly dousing them ohh how raiding seedling is a daily job in the beginning
as if that wasnt a good surprise. looked in the tupperware container and behold i found another one a ready to set foot into the world finally hella cised that is all of them 6/68927C0B3-B088-4888-A08D-D797342BADCC.jpeg

so what i did was plant right away and seeing as i have lost seeds before with longer tails, i planted this one with a bit more care and back filled behind lightly from the looks of the seed it will not take long to come above the ground8CDD1555-AB5B-44F2-9A9C-61EBDDADA6F0.jpeg
Light water only (spray bottle) #’s 1,4,3 seem to be going faster than the others w #4 being ahead of them all

as the the later seed it can above ground but cotyledons were white as ash they needed to adjust out on a shelf not to far from light and bag back over it w slightly tear
Little bump for them and their first test

It was the lighting and they stood the tea two of them didn’t like the lights in the begininning but adjusted well and are on their way that is the yellowii f on the leafs way after cotyledon
Following along! What's up with that plant in the second post? She looking hella rugged haha.
I’m going to dedicate All 5 to this here journal to motivate myself to post more and keep updated I will not keep a log at home just a vague one ☝
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Kind of bummed the last didn’t make it sprouted came above ground didn’t want any smoke and checked out F22F34C2-D590-40C0-84EE-958586362483.jpegon the other hand these receive water daily not much just enough to need water the next dayB062521F-15A6-4124-AE70-083DA4E2631E.jpeg
Ps- those are clones that rooted from a seed run of moby grape and darkness from envy


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Well I’m interested in seeing what they can do and not investigated further w loop and found what I believe to be thrips!

SNS-203 foliar 4tbsp/g
And a watering
Looking better now picked up a loupe and checked them and for some reason I spotted one thrip 897920AE-E8A4-4239-8516-D4DDB5A56090.jpegso I will get them tomorrow as well one threw off a webbed leaf and it seems that plant already wants food beginning to shade off green yellow green vaguely will begin diet soon


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Gave the a feeding on the lighter side (mills),

I’m feeling these beans they’re giving me one thing after another they have needs early lots I’d ‘tude!!
I’ll get em on track

over water or need up potting?...
I’m debating that and will wait
Day -30 (11-15-20)
Transplanted them a few days ago
They been giving me trouble felt like they wanted a little more room to also be fed watered them in there new homes have them a few and today they were topped

In the pic below you can define key see each of the plants leaf patterns differ and the plant structures are varied as well

Also noted before : battled what I think to be thrips issue which I eradicated, as well as what I believe to be the plant wanting food but that was very early (not against feeding that early) just didn’t in the case of these will get they will be on course

received a lower end feeding (mills), I came in on medium side due to the early hunger they showed


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Checking up on them I noticed #4 showing a variegated leaf pattern! Kind of excited as I have seen every plant I’ve workers w that’s had this leaf variegation has been straight flame!! In the pic you will see another variegation (phinest cut) fatso showing sameEE5E64EF-33B1-49DC-AAC7-CD717D67F68E.jpegin last pic, either way male or female going to us them well all the more excitement


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