Hopeful Harvest


Active Member
Hey, this is my first time growing. Ive had several friends that have done it so i have heard a lot from them about how to grow but i am still a little unsure about a couple of things.

First: I am planting in a few sunlit patches in the woods and i was wondering exactly how many plants it is safe to grow, i am doing several different plots with about five plants per plot...i was just unsure because i have heard that the police use helicopters with sensors on them...

Secondly: I have a small budget, but i would like a large yield and a successful harvest, so what exactly can i do with little to no money to ensure my success?

And Third: I know that the soil i used is a bit more acidic than normal or more so than is good for the plant so i added some lime to neutralize the soil; is this safe for the plants?