hopefully not screwed?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am using Halogen work lights, and I have been told my plants may die? They are 500w and about 2-3 ft from my plants. The thing is, they get extremely hot. I have a window open that is right next to the plants. Help!


Well-Known Member
actually i have a friend RIGHT now who i TOLD NOT to use halogens...i told his ass it wouldnt work

guess what? he's in like week 3 of flower....goes to show how much i know.

as well as others.

just make sure it doesnt get too hot in there, add some cfl for a little bit better balanced spectrum and you should be good


Well-Known Member
Ok lol thanks. Do you know how far he keeps them from the plants?
i think he is running 3 all above the plants, not on stands like you have. i blv the lights on the ceiling were hung like 2-3 feet from the plant....maybe even more.

i havent been over there recently to see the monsters, so i dont know. i know them bitches is getting big tho


New Member
Halogen is in the right spectrum but gives out too much in the infra red range. In other words they give out more heat than light.

3ft away, I'm imagining your plants are stretching? Heat also causes this effect on plants.

You need a better light. A 600w HPS would be heaven compared to what you got now, and there wouldn't be the same heat levels to contend with.


Well-Known Member
dude if you are willing to spend 1000w of electricity why waste it on the wrong lights. Buy an hps or at least buy some cfls.


Well-Known Member
They are no good for veg.
I only used them for flowering in combination with blue fluro tubes to add red to the spectrum.
I only used them when i was well skint as i could get the bulbs for a quid for 2 and i got the fittings for nothing.
In comparison to a proper hps/mh bulb they are crap,basically better than nothing
You need to have fans on them to keep them cooler if you choose to keep them,never remove the glass shields from your units as the bulbs explode a lot when they are run for long periods of time:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would love to see a grow on Halagon and I have always been told they are the wrong spectrum but I know them SOB are bright; If you can please start a grow journal on it I really want to see how this works out! Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Back the halogens off and add some cfls or blue tubes near the plants.
Use the halogens if you have to for adding red during flowering only:blsmoke:

Edit:damn i said that already on the last page lol i am stoned and tired ;)


Well-Known Member
I will most definitly. They are looking swell now, and two hours after transplant revived to full health, they drooped for an 15 fairly bad, and then made a complete turn around.. at one point i thought they would not make it.. but thankfully they are in perfect condition hour.5 later